● Forum News v2.3 & v3.3 Released

Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:11 am
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As you can see by the title, the Forum News Discord update is here. Both version v2.3 and v3.3 feature the Discord integration, which allows you to make a post like I am here, which can show up on the home page if you are running this module, which would, in turn, post your news onto Discord in a specific channel in which you assign the webhook. Because of the limitations of Discord and their Markdown syntax, instead of trying to port over from bbcode to their Markdown syntax, I decided just to strip all code and just do plain text. If an image is posted within the allowed characters, sort of like I did with this post putting the image at the start, it will grab that and post it with the Discord post.

Now, if you know nothing about this module, and you are wondering what is the difference between v2.3 and v3.3, there is only one difference.

Version 2.3 requires you to create a specific forum for the news, like if you go onto my forums, (
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), you will see I have a category called [HSX] News, and in there, I have a Forum call News, which is where I post all news that will be posted on the Home page. If you use this version, all your news will be in one location, but it does require you to set the permissions of that forum so only you and the groups you want to be able to post news on the home page. If you look at the permissions, the one you want to make sure is set is "Post". Allowing replies is fine, you just don't want a random joe post a news article. Installation of v2.3 is easy to install, no file editing.

Version 3.3 requires you to edit 3 files, and maybe your theme if you have a responsive theme, utilizing what was put in for Responsive themes. But this version allows an admin to make any topic a forum news topic. There is a checkbox that shows up with the other options that says "Homepage news", and all you would do is check that. You can even edit someone else's post to make it home page news, but know that it has to be the 1st post, (topic starter), that can be posted as Forums News. This version downside is that you have to be an admin to be able to use this feature, and unlike the other version, you can't have specific groups allowed to use it. Also, the news can be spread all over the site which if you have a bit of an OCD with things like that, it can drive you a bit nuts.

Overall, each have these good sides and downsides, so the option is up to you on which you want to use.

Here is an image of what the Discord post will look like:

The way this module works with the Discord. When you make a post in the forums, and you mark it as a Forum News, (v3.3), once you hit submit, it will not send to Discord. It will send once someone views the home page, where you have the Forum News module set as the home module. What it does is it takes the information that it is allowing you to view, and filtering it for Discord, then it broadcasts to Discord while essentially checking a bot in the DB table saying, Discord message sent, that way it doesn't double send, (hopefully).

Now, is there a chance that it could double send, in theory, possibly. The timing would have to be perfect, where two people viewing come at the exact moment. But the odds of that happening are slim to none. I think I'd have a better chance of winning the Lotto, but, nothing is impossible. Any questions, feel free not to ask. lachen, j/k, ask away.

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Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:57 pm
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Thank you very much coRpSE great work. lachen
Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:32 pm
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no problem.

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