Clan [HS] / [HSX] has had a long history of being a proud small community, as not only being a multi gaming clan, but also a clan of mappers, moders, scripters, Alpha/Beta testers, and much more. We have had a strong history of not allowing cheats of any kind within our ranks and have provided a ton of free services to other clans.
We have helped game developers find bugs and improve upon their games, to even suggesting things in which have made it into some games. We try to be truthful, even though sometimes the truth hurts. We honestly strive to make things better, what ever they are. We have had a long list of web based scripts that have been released over the many years, which for the most part, are free. We are 100% donation run and rely on the community to help support our efforts to stay running and provide these scripts to the community of gaming out there.