● [WIP] Tournament Champion - W3 - [ video ]

Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:31 pm
Clan Leader
Top Dog
Nuke Dev / Coder
3022 Posts
Grand Theft Auto V

Most Played:
This week: 22.5hrs.
Total Played: 2,321hrs.

Reputation: 7342
votes: 7
This week, I did a video with no real editing, mostly because of the pain I have been in. But I wanted to get this out because there are some things that I am still deciding and if anyone has suggestions, I like to hear them. Here is the video, and below that is the updated workflow chart.

Here is my current workflow chart, TC controls were done this past week. Just note, things may slow down these coming weeks due to holidays, family, and medical.
*    Add Champion
*    Forum Thread
*    TC Listing w/delete
*    Show last 5 - 20 option - Have records go for 40.
*    Add DB table for TC user and win count
*    Add Games
*    Edit Games
*    Delete Games

   PM system
   Forum Posting
*    Add Games
*    Edit Games
*    Delete Games
*    build function that will update players win count. Need both adding points and removal of points. (This is for forum/profile mod)
*    Add/Remove Champion
*    Reset default upon change of TC

Champion Controls:
*    Available days & times
*    Add Games
*    Hide Games
*    Function to allow TC to change the medal to the one they like to have below their name.

Front End:
   Challenge form
*    General Layout
*    Rules

Back End End:
   invest time orginizing the language file for ease of use.

Final before release:
   House Clean
   Local Testing
   Find Testers and have them test & give feed back

Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:25 pm
Original Poster
Clan Leader
Top Dog
Nuke Dev / Coder
3022 Posts
Grand Theft Auto V

Most Played:
This week: 22.5hrs.
Total Played: 2,321hrs.

Reputation: 7342
votes: 7
I do want to make a mid-week update, Some things have changed significantly, and with that, more additions are added. I have been putting in a couple of hours here and there. Most of it has been building, tearing down, rebuilding, redesigning, and conceptualization. I am not going to say what the changes are until next weeks WiP update, but I will say this, no more forum post.

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