● LM-BlackMagic Memberlist update

Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:01 am
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Nuke Dev / Coder
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Okay, first of all, WOOT, first post of 2022.

Now, enough of being a dork. I was again going through, and I noticed an issue with my member's list on my site. The Online/Offline status was missing. After some investigation, I found that it was caused by bootstraps CSS and all I needed to do was add in some CSS. But while I was at it, I saw that the module was using a table and wasn't responsive. In further investigation, I found that it was handled by the theme, so attached, is the fix to make it responsive. But, for the other stuff, you are going to need to edit your file. I will go over how below.

To install the theme change to make your members list responsive, just download the attached file and extract the public_html file to your desktop. Then upload the contents to the root of your site, keeping the file structure.

You can see the changes working here:
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Here are the changes:
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[ How to fix the missing Online/Offline text. ]

  1. Open:

  2. Add In:

    Code: [ Select all ]

    .tooltip {
       opacity: 100;
       font-weight: 900;
       letter-spacing: 1px;

  3. Save & Close

Just know, you can remove the font-weight and the letter-spacing if you don't want them. That is just what I use on my site, well, except I use 2px for letter-spacing. Now, I did run into another issue with the LMBM theme. That was, the theme uses the same color for both row2 and row3, and the controls to change it were not in the ACP where I was hoping it would be, but instead, hard coded inside the forums.css.

[ Optional ]
This next fix is optional and only if you want to have a slight alternating color for the member list instead of having the listing a single color.

  1. Open:

  2. Find:

    Code: [ Select all ]

    .row3 {
       background-color: #1a1d1f;
       border: 1px solid #000;
       padding: 5px;

  3. Replace With:

    Code: [ Select all ]

    .row3 {
       border: 1px solid #000;
       padding: 5px;

    .row2 {
       background-color: #111;

    .row3 {
       background-color: #181818;

  4. Save & Close

Of course, edit those colors to your liking.
Remember, if you do any CSS changes, you will need to clear your browser cache before you will see the change.

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