● Few bugs fixed on Evo 2.0.9F

Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:37 pm
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Nuke Dev / Coder
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Hello everyone.
Well, while doing some work today, I found that there was an error in the inspector and after further digging, I found more than one.
The errors I ran into is with the bbcode. If you're using a different editor than the bbcode editor, you probably never noticed this. But what was missing was an image for the "Font Size". Besides that missing image, I found another image that was missing and that is the "who_viewed" image. I've seen this on a few sites and now here is a fix for it as well. That fix is providing the image, as well as the forums.cfg file that has the proper location of that image added to it. The 3rd and final fix is an issue with the Calendar module where when you go to enter an event date, the date picker is not showing up. Due to some changes with the CMS, and a simple line had to be added to that file to get that system working once again.

I have updated the current download of the CSM, but for those of you that already have their site up and running, you just need the attached files that I have below and follow the instructions in this post, and you should be good to go.

Update Instructions: -read carefully first-

For those that are downloading and just uploading the files, here are your instructions:

  1. Download the attached file and extract the folder to your desktop.
  2. Open the public_html folder and upload the includes & modules folders ONLY!!!
  3. -Only Do if your theme is missing the image- Open the themes folder and then open the Your_Theme folder. Now upload the content of that folder to your themes folder. If you get a message to overwrite an image called icon_viewed.png, don't. By default, themes didn't come with this and this was an addition added for 2.0.9e.

Okay, for those that want to manually edit your files, you will still need to pretty much upload all the images from above, unless you made or have your own already, then I will show you the code changes for each file.

Open: public_html/modules/ECalendar/admin/index.php

PHP:  [ Select all ]


After Add:

PHP:  [ Select all ]


Save & Close

Open: public_html/themes/Your_Theme/forums/forums.cfg   (Do for all your themes you use)

Code: [ Select all ]

Theme Simplifications (Arcade)                    v1.0.0    05/29/2009

After Add:

Code: [ Select all ]

Who viewed a topic                                v1.0.3


Code: [ Select all ]

$images['icon_newest_reply']  = "$current_template_images/icon_latest_reply.gif";

After Add:

Code: [ Select all ]

 [ Base:    Who viewed a topic                 v1.0.3 ]
$images['icon_view']          = $current_template_images.'/{LANG}/icon_viewed.png';
 [ Base:    Who viewed a topic                 v1.0.3 ]

Save & Close

Just note, you will still need to upload the following images or create your own:

  • public_html/themes/Your_Theme/forums/images/lang_english/icon_viewed.png     (Do for all your themes you use)
  • public_html/includes/css/images/sprites/bbc-fontsize.png

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