Has anyone ever heard of a "MAP MANAGER" Module and if so where it can be downloaded?
I have had one in the past on my site but cannot get it to work anymore. It was ideal for showing images of gameing maps from my server.
The one I had is:
Map Manager 2.0 © 2005 - 2006
By: NukeCoder.com gotcha
I have had one in the past on my site but cannot get it to work anymore. It was ideal for showing images of gameing maps from my server.
The one I had is:
Map Manager 2.0 © 2005 - 2006
By: NukeCoder.com gotcha
I remember that module. I had a version that would display a single image of the map, and then a little about it, and if I remember right, there was a place for you to stick in a URL for people to download it. We had that back when we played RTCW and we were using PHPNuke v6.9. Today, I would just create a section in my File_Repoistory just for maps, where I could have several images of the map, a download, description, and pretty much the creators info. The other thing if I remember right was that there was a block that would rotate showing the different map images and the name of each map.
I believe that's how it was. your also talking about a system i haven't looked at for over a decade.
I believe that's how it was. your also talking about a system i haven't looked at for over a decade.
When I go to installl the module i have the result you can see in the image below.
When I go to change the following the highlighted does not exist
The following folders need to be writeable by your server. eg. CHMOD 777

When I go to change the following the highlighted does not exist
The following folders need to be writeable by your server. eg. CHMOD 777

I am guessing that the SQL needs to be updated. As for what needs to be done, I don't know, I would need to see the SQL.
It could be as simple as changing a TYPE to ENGINE in the SQL for each SQL table. Also, there could be a bunch of ergi issues within that script that would need to be updated to preg. If you like, send me that module and I will take a look at it for you.
It could be as simple as changing a TYPE to ENGINE in the SQL for each SQL table. Also, there could be a bunch of ergi issues within that script that would need to be updated to preg. If you like, send me that module and I will take a look at it for you.
Sent it to you via email. Good luck with it.

What email did you send it to?
Found it. I will take a look at it this week and let you know.
Found it. I will take a look at it this week and let you know.
Okay, to sum this up, it was a handful of little changes I did to get it to work. The SQL had be changed from TYPE to ENGINE, and I had to update all the ereg_replace and all the eregi with its preg counterparts and the delimiters, which I suspected. So if others have this module, or a module that was made back in the day pre- PHP 5.4/5.6 days, and have the same issues, that is more and likely going to be your issue. eregi was been deprecated since I believe php version 5.3 or 5.4.
i have map manager v2-1 if you want it i can send it to you it need still some update
Might be a good idea to send it to coRpSE so he can take a look and maybe put it in the downloads for others to use. Just a thought.
I can do that.