● [HSX] 7D2D server is now running Alpha 17

Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:21 am
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Nuke Dev / Coder
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For those of you that play 7D2D, you guys would probably like to know that I have officially updated our server to Alpha 17 Stable. I know it was released last week, but, I wanted to hold off for a few days until I had time to do a backup. The address and the password is the same. It is currently vanilla with no mods. If you guys find mods that you like to have on the server, feel free to submit URLs to the thread here and I will see what I can do.

Here is a link to all the official changes that come with this patch:
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All player profiles from the server have been completely wiped for they will no longer work on this version of the game. The server details are still the same and all HSX members can get that info from this thread.
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With this release, there will be no giving of XP and what not, but, to help everyone out, we are willing to give you a vehicle, fuel, cloths, and 1 gun of your choice with ammo. We have discussed building materials, but, to be fair, I think we will exclude that and just give you just the items mentioned above. Changes to the server will come in due time, just got to be patient.

I don't know how long we will have this server, so keep that in mind. Good luck and enjoy and I hope to see you in the game.
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