● HoneyPot 2.2 Install Notes - Feedback

Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:27 am
24 Posts
Reputation: 99.6
I downloaded and installed HoneyPot 2.2 today following your notes step by step and ran into a couple of issues that might have given users a few problems.

I suggest two additional notes be added into your install guide.

1. Users should first ensure they are using a default theme - for example Chromo. I was using a dark custom theme and the installer instructions were completely hidden from view - I was looking at a black screen. Chromo made it all come to life.

2. Users should be instructed once the installer has finished (the installer on screen instructions were incomplete) go to NukeSentinel/Administration/General Settings and look for Site Switch and switch it back to Site Enabled - otherwise their site will remain stuck in build in progress and some might the installer is stuck leaving them with a disabled website.

My install is complete and I am very happy with the results. Thank you very much for the files and your efforts supporting Nuke Evolution Xtreme Users.
Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:11 pm
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— lasermail wrote
I downloaded and installed HoneyPot 2.2 today following your notes step by step and ran into a couple of issues that might have given users a few problems.

I suggest two additional notes be added into your install guide.

1. Users should first ensure they are using a default theme - for example Chromo. I was using a dark custom theme and the installer instructions were completely hidden from view - I was looking at a black screen. Chromo made it all come to life.

2. Users should be instructed once the installer has finished (the installer on screen instructions were incomplete) go to NukeSentinel/Administration/General Settings and look for Site Switch and switch it back to Site Enabled - otherwise their site will remain stuck in build in progress and some might the installer is stuck leaving them with a disabled website.

My install is complete and I am very happy with the results. Thank you very much for the files and your efforts supporting Nuke Evolution Xtreme Users.

Thanks for the feedback. I was going to rewrite the installer, but, with the next version of the CMS coming out soon, it will have the honeypot pre-installed already so that wont be an issue that will also include a few changes/updates. Also, the installer takes colors from the theme so I am a little lost why you couldn't read the text. The only colors defined is on failed and success of the tables being put in. I will look into that.

As for #2, the reason I didn't put that in is because if you let sentinel go through and complete and go back to its last page, (after 5 seconds), it automatically re-activates the Site Switch. But for future updates to the IP2Country, I will make note of that for people.

Thanks for the input, always appreciated.
Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:36 pm
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A number of people looking to register have asked why is entering my real name a requirement. It has prevented them applying, which is not what I intend at all.

Given that I think people could just make up a name anyway, and that the process does not need a full name just a first name? I have to ask "Why is this even listed at all? could it be made optional. If not, I think these details remain hidden from the public, if so could that much be stated on the registration page?

I must admit I didn't expect to see this as a problem, but there we are, some people differ on it. As an Administrator I have always assumed that most people opt to use false names anyway, especially in a gaming environment.

Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:59 am
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Okay, for the registration, that is easy enough to make it not required. basically, 6 files will need to be edited with only 1 edit each file.

Open public_html/modules/Your_Account/public/new_confirm#.php  where the # is either a 1, 2, and 3.( Open all 3 files.


PHP:  [ Select all ]

// menelaos: makes the 'realname' field a required field
if (empty($ya_realname)) {
"<center><span class='title'><strong>"._ERRORREG."</strong></span><br /><br />";
"<span class='content'>"._YA_NOREALNAME."<br /><br />"._GOBACK."</span></center>";

Replace With:

PHP:  [ Select all ]

// menelaos: makes the 'realname' field a required field
    if (empty($ya_realname)) {
        echo "<center><span class='title'><strong>"._ERRORREG."</strong></span><br /><br />";
        echo "<span class='content'>"._YA_NOREALNAME."<br /><br />"._GOBACK."</span></center>";

Essentially, you can see I just wrapped it in a /* CODE */. Same edit is in all 3 files.

Open: public_html/modules/Your_Account/public/new_user#.php  where the # is either a 1, 2, and 3.( Open all 3 files.

Find in there:

PHP:  [ Select all ]


Replace with:

PHP:  [ Select all ]


Make sure you use a code editor like Notepad++ or SublimeText which both have syntax highlighting.

So you edit those 6 files and it should work so they don't have to pot in their real names. This will be addressed when that section gets re-written for the future release of the CMS. Next release may have a way to have it optional or we will have it optional by default, but the release after should have that redone altogether.

This was something that was done to the CMS before I even got with the Development team, so I don't know why it was put in or left in, but thats how your ould disable it from being required.

Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:48 am
Original Poster
24 Posts
Reputation: 99.6
Awesome. Works a treat.

Thank you very much.

10 von 10

Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:39 am
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Glad to help.

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