Hey, how's it going?
I need to know how to hide or disable the Who Is Online block located at the bottom of the Forum Index to where only registered members can view it.
Presently, the Who Is Online is visible to Guests and I would like to change it.

I need to know how to hide or disable the Who Is Online block located at the bottom of the Forum Index to where only registered members can view it.
Presently, the Who Is Online is visible to Guests and I would like to change it.

Okay, this is fairly easy, but, you need to know the basics of HTML for it. What you will need to do is edit your theme you are using a bit. Each theme is different so I can't say for sure, find this line and change this. The best I can do is give you a close example of what to look for. If this proves to be too confusing, feel free to pack up your theme file that I specify and send it to me and I will do them, but before doing that, give it a try.
What you want to do is open up:
Find in that file:
Once you find that, you will see a table that it is in. What you want to do is wrap the whole table with this:
So everything you want hidden when someone is not logged in goes in between those to lines.
Here is an example of a theme I am currently working on for someone.
If you click that link, you will see that I just wrapped the Who is Online and left the Birthdays still visible.
What you want to do is open up:
Find in that file:
Code: [ Select all ]
Once you find that, you will see a table that it is in. What you want to do is wrap the whole table with this:
Code: [ Select all ]
<!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
<!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
So everything you want hidden when someone is not logged in goes in between those to lines.
Here is an example of a theme I am currently working on for someone.
Please login to see this link Get registered or Log in |
If you click that link, you will see that I just wrapped the Who is Online and left the Birthdays still visible.

Well "f" me running ... PERFECTION!
Once again, you never cease to amaze me Oh Dreaded One! You are loved ...

Glad it helped.
Just note, you need to do this on all your themes your running, or at least your "Default" theme on your site.
— coRpSE wroteJust note, you need to do this on all your themes your running, or at least your "Default" theme on your site.
Duhhh ok -- I didn't do that

Thanks for the tip!!