i have some code that i want to be used around the forum
i have to add this code
i have to add it between head and body
i know were to add this code on my splash html page but i want to add it also so it shows around the forums
is this possible i think i remember dooing this a while ago but i cant remember how
any help greatly appreciated
i have some code that i want to be used around the forum
i have to add this code
<!-- Go toto customize your tools --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-5a091028dd00bb60"></script>
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i have to add it between head and body
i know were to add this code on my splash html page but i want to add it also so it shows around the forums
is this possible i think i remember dooing this a while ago but i cant remember how
any help greatly appreciated
The closing body tag is in the public_html/footer.php .
Just do a search for the word body and put your code before it.
If you want that code to only show up when someone is in the forums, then you would code it something like this;
With it written like that, it will only show on the forums and nowhere else. Once you have that in place, you would just put the rest of the code into your theme wherever your want it to show up. This is all a personal thing. At one time, we had this in our forums, and at first, it use to be attached to every post, but then I decided that I preferred it just attached to the topic and not the post, and that is all coded into your theme.
Hope this helps a little.
Just do a search for the word body and put your code before it.
If you want that code to only show up when someone is in the forums, then you would code it something like this;
PHP: [ Select all ]
global $name;
if ($name == 'Forums')
 echo '<!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-513caca04af12d8f"></script>';
With it written like that, it will only show on the forums and nowhere else. Once you have that in place, you would just put the rest of the code into your theme wherever your want it to show up. This is all a personal thing. At one time, we had this in our forums, and at first, it use to be attached to every post, but then I decided that I preferred it just attached to the topic and not the post, and that is all coded into your theme.
Hope this helps a little.
it didnt work for me corpse
when i added it i also lost the right side blocks
some weird things were happening it also didnt show addthis either
when i added it i also lost the right side blocks
some weird things were happening it also didnt show addthis either
well, if you like me to take a look, then I can.
What program do you use to edit your files?
What program do you use to edit your files?
hi corpse
i used notepad ++ to do the edits
you still have access to my site if you want to try
no rush though i will have to remove the twitter google and facebook top right of each theme but i know were that is
this is the code i want added
meant to say i would like it so its on all pages around the forums and index thanks
i used notepad ++ to do the edits
you still have access to my site if you want to try
no rush though i will have to remove the twitter google and facebook top right of each theme but i know were that is
this is the code i want added
<!-- Go toto customize your tools --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-5a091028dd00ba74"></script>
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meant to say i would like it so its on all pages around the forums and index thanks
forget this corpse
i managed to get it working
/themes/XMAS_Multi/theme.php had addthis code in it i changed it to the new code
sorry for any inconveniance i knew i seen it somewere
thanks anyways
i managed to get it working
/themes/XMAS_Multi/theme.php had addthis code in it i changed it to the new code
sorry for any inconveniance i knew i seen it somewere
thanks anyways