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● Updated Twitch Streamers Block

Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:59 pm
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As some of you may have noticed, on my home page, I removed my old block and replaced it with a new block. This is a complete rewrite of the old block. Nothing but the "ONLINE/OFFLINE" with the red/pulsating green background are the same. A list of the changes and updates are below.

  • No more JQuery to pull the information from the API, this block uses a curl function to get the API.
  • Adding more than one user as easy as typing their twitch name.
  • Shows how long the stream has been currently live.
  • When live, if you mouse over the streamers icon, a capture of the streamers stream is shown, (Updated every 3 - 5 min or so).
  • Link back to their latest broadcast/video's.
  • Cleaner look & easier to customize and style for your site. (basics of CSS knowledge needed).
  • Overall lighter and more efficient than the side block.

  • Now, from the first post, where it only showed the information of your channel if you were just online, well, now it shows it even if you're offline.
  • mature icon will appear if your channel is set to mature, (generally if you use adult language, or the games you play.). That icon has a mouseover saying that this channel is set to mature audiences.
  • To help keep the impact down on the loading of your site, I was given a script by McGyver=XCS= a while ago for preloading blocks and I implemented that into this block with a custom preloading image.
  • now, if you are offline, when you mouseover the icon of the channel, if they are offline, it will show there offline image of their stream channel.

  • Now displays when the streamer was last live if they are offline. Does have a feature if the time & date can't be retrieved, (explained a few post down.).
  • Language file created and everything moved over to it.
  • Made this easier to be a stand alone script which can be used on almost any CMS/website.
  • Removed animated gif for the pre-loader and put in a CSS3 animated one instead.

  • Got rid of all the separate images and put them into a sprite which uses CSS to map out the location of the image.
  • Eliminated a background image and used CSS to have the fade effect behind the tables
  • Cleaned up more of the code and put in more info of what each section is.
  • Predone a version already for the next version for Xtreme which will require no edits to the core file of the site, (Just upload and go).

**UPDATES FROM 10/12**
  • Added some eye candy, thanks to McGyver for the jQuery to use, now the numbers roll up from 0 to the current number.
  • Added an effect that is simulating it heating up a little, it's subtle, but there.

I do have other things to come. I am currently working on it to show the icon no matter what, and when you mouseover the icon, it will display the users offline page. I am also working on it to hold the counts all the time. This will be done over the next couple of days. If you guys have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Here is a image of it in its current state.

Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:38 pm
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okay, here is an update to that block. A few new features have been added since I was bored and had that itch to do something.

  • Now, from the first post, where it only showed the information of your channel if you were just online, well, now it shows it even if you're offline.
  • mature icon will appear if your channel is set to mature, (generally if you use adult language, or the games you play.). That icon has a mouseover saying that this channel is set to mature audiences.
  • To help keep the impact down on the loading of your site, I was given a script by McGyver=XCS= a while ago for preloading blocks and I implemented that into this block with a custom preloading image.
  • now, if you are offline, when you mouseover the icon of the channel, if they are offline, it will show there offline image of their stream channel.

Alot more in the backend has been done. Granted, maybe a lot does not seem like it got done, but there was.


Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:51 am
Blabbing Noob
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looks good corpse

keep up the good work
Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:57 pm
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Thanks. I just finished some more work on the backend, changing over the temp "if" statements to ternary operator, also put on a default avatar/logo and a default offline background image if the streamer doesn't have any. Over the next few days, I am going to go in and finish cleaning up the code and make it more condensed. Then I have to go through the CSS to make it easier for people to modify, then if others want it, I will release it. If I do release it, I will be putting up a poll/polls for final styling things that people would like to have with it, and then I will release it.

Thu Oct 05, 2017 12:41 pm
Blabbing Noob
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Looks awesome

Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:12 pm
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Now, if you are offline, it will tell you when you were last live. This works off by taking the past broadcast video created time, adding the length of the videos, and then dividing that into weeks, days, hours, and mins. If you don't have twitch archiving past broadcasts, then it will display a message, (Not Live! Not Retrievable.). So, if that message appears, then that streamer will need to turn on the past broadcast archiving. This is the only way it could be done since twitches API does not have when the stream was last live. This was a bitch to get working right, but I got it.

I will be updating the first post with the latest list of features.

Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:52 pm
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Okay, here is where I am at. If you're interested in this block and like to have it on your site, please PM me and I will get you the files and will help you with install. Install is very easy, but I like to be available on TS3 or Discord if there is an issue that comes up from your theme. Right now, this system is really only designed for full width themes or wide themes. If your theme is one of Peds where its only like 100px wide, this will stretch it. The reason I did not code it because most fixed width themes should be over 1280px wide for resolutions and screen sizes have got larger over the years. This is best used on a site where the center blocks should be at least 1000px wide. I will be seeing if I can get that down to a minimum of 800px wide and look decent.

Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:33 pm
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Okay, after some work. I got it with a min width of 850px required for this block.

(That's a min of 850px wide for the center blocks ONLY. That's not including the side blocks.)

If, and only if there is enough pushing from people that want one that will go smaller than 850px wide, then I will make a seperate one for those stubby sites, bu honestly, for those of you that have sites 1250px or less in width, you really need to update your theme and make it wider. I know Ped from Clanthemes was famous for making themes 800px - 1000px wide, (Mostly 800px), and back in 2005 - 2010, that was fine, but standard monitors are getting larger, resolution is getting larger, and you are just creating too much empty real estate.

Otherwise, I think I am done with it so if anyone wants it, let me know.

Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:28 am
Blabbing Noob
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Reputation: 460.1
sadly my minimum width is about 530 width for the center block because of blocks on the left and right of the index page most of my themes are all about that size

but it looks good corpse

Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:54 pm
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— PatPgtips wrote
sadly my minimum width is about 530 width for the center block because of blocks on the left and right of the index page most of my themes are all about that size

but it looks good corpse

no worries, but I would suggest looking at widening them a little. Can be a bit difficult, especially if you don't have a theme where you can set the width from inside the theme management, but not impossible. I did one of peds themes earlier this year for someone, but they had me do some other changes for them as well while I was doing it. Ped was just famous for putting jquery and flash where it was not needed or shouldn't be.

igitt Also, for all, an update is that I also reduced the min width from 850 to 750. You can see it by looking at the home page and shrinking down your browser. The width will automatically stop at 750px wide.

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