● Removing A Main Menu Section

Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:09 pm
Blabbing Noob
64 Posts
Reputation: 270.4
Hiyah CoRpSe Dude!

I forgot how to remove/disable the section right under the last menu item.

There's a section that show Modules Invisible, Invisible Modules and Inactive Modules showing within the Main Menu.  Is there anyway to remove all of that information?  I couldn't find it anywhere in the Sommaire menu admin panel

Thanks for your help   hrm
Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:29 pm
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That is only show to those that are logged in as Admin, nobody else. So if you're afraid of others seeing it, well, if they are not admin, they wont/can't.

As for removing it, well if you really want it gone, then you need to edit the file:


Find: (Around line 808):

PHP:  [ Select all ]

    if ($som_groupmenu == 99 && $is_admin==1) { // si on est à la catégorie 99, on affiche tous les modules installés/activés/visibles qui n'ont pas été affichés dans les catégories.
       for ($z=0;$z<count($module);$z++) {
           $customtitle2 str_replace ("_"," "$module[$z]);
           if (!empty($customtitle[$z])) {
               $customtitle2 $customtitle[$z];
           if ($module[$z] != $main_module) {
                if (($is_admin===AND $view[$z] == 2) OR $view[$z] != 2) {

                   for ($i=0;$i<count($totalcategorymodules);$i++) {
                       if ($module[$z]==$totalcategorymodules[$i]) {
                   if ($incategories==0) {
                       $flagmenu $flagmenu+1;
                       if ($flagmenu==1) {
                           $content .="<hr><div align=\"center\">"._SOMMAIREADMINVIEWALLMODULES."</div>"  // si il y a des modules affichés en rubrique 99, on affiche avant une ligne horizontale
       $content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxvisibles\">"
                       ."<select width=\"100%\" name=\"somlistboxvisibles\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
                       ."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
                           $content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=$module[$z]\">$customtitle2</option>
       }//end for groupmenu=99
   }//end if groupmenu=99 


Replace with:

PHP:  [ Select all ]

   /* if ($som_groupmenu == 99 && $is_admin==1) { // si on est à la catégorie 99, on affiche tous les modules installés/activés/visibles qui n'ont pas été affichés dans les catégories.
        for ($z=0;$z<count($module);$z++) {
            $customtitle2 = str_replace ("_"," ", $module[$z]);
            if (!empty($customtitle[$z])) {
                $customtitle2 = $customtitle[$z];
            if ($module[$z] != $main_module) {
                 if (($is_admin===1 AND $view[$z] == 2) OR $view[$z] != 2) {

                    for ($i=0;$i<count($totalcategorymodules);$i++) {
                        if ($module[$z]==$totalcategorymodules[$i]) {
                    if ($incategories==0) {
                        $flagmenu = $flagmenu+1;
                        if ($flagmenu==1) {
                            $content .="<hr><div align=\"center\">"._SOMMAIREADMINVIEWALLMODULES."</div>";   // si il y a des modules affichés en rubrique 99, on affiche avant une ligne horizontale
        $content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxvisibles\">"
                        ."<select width=\"100%\" name=\"somlistboxvisibles\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
                        ."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
                            $content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=$module[$z]\">$customtitle2</option>
        }//end for groupmenu=99
    }//end if groupmenu=99 */ 



PHP:  [ Select all ]

if ($is_admin===1) {

   $key=count($module); // $key va permettre de se positionner dans $module[] pour rajouter des modules à la fin

   $content .= "<br /><center><strong>"._INVISIBLEMODULES."</strong><br />";
   $content .= "<span class=\"tiny\">"._ACTIVEBUTNOTSEE."</span></center>";
   if (!($a == AND $dummy != 1)) {
       $content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxinvisibles\">"
                       ."<select name=\"somlistboxinvisibles\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
                       ."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
       $sql "SELECT title, custom_title FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE active='1' AND inmenu='0' AND `title` NOT LIKE '~l~%' ORDER BY title ASC";
       $result $db->sql_query($sql);
       while ($row $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
           $mn_title $row['title'];
           $custom_title $row['custom_title'];
           $mn_title2 str_replace("_"" "$mn_title);
           if (!empty($custom_title)) {
               $mn_title2 $custom_title;
           if (!empty($mn_title2)) {
               $content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=".$mn_title."\">".$mn_title2."";
               $dummy 1;
           } else {
               $a 1;
       $content.= "</select></form>
   else {
       $content .= "<br /><strong><big>·</big></strong> <i>"._NONE."</i><br />

   $content .= "<br /><center><strong>"._NOACTIVEMODULES."</strong><br />";
   $content .= "<span class=\"tiny\">"._FORADMINTESTS."</span></center>";
   if (!($a == AND $dummy != 1)) {
       $content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxinactifs\">"
               ."<select name=\"somlistboxinactifs\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
               ."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
 [ Base:    Caching System                     v3.0.0 ]
if (!($row4 $cache->load('sommaire_row4''block'))) {
 [ Base:    Caching System                     v3.0.0 ]
       $sql "SELECT title, custom_title FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE active='0' AND `title` NOT LIKE '~l~%' ORDER BY title ASC";
       $result $db->sql_query($sql);
       while ($row $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
           $row4[] = $row;
 [ Base:    Caching System                     v3.0.0 ]
 [ Base:    Caching System                     v3.0.0 ]
       if (is_array($row4)) {
       foreach($row4 as $row) {
           $mn_title $row['title'];
           $custom_title $row['custom_title'];
           $mn_title2 str_replace("_"" "$mn_title);
           if (!empty($custom_title)) {
           $mn_title2 $custom_title;
           if (!empty($mn_title2)) {
               $content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=".$mn_title."\">".$mn_title2."";
           $dummy 1;
           } else {
               $a 1;
       $content.= "</select></form>
   else {
           $content .= "<br /><strong><big>·</big></strong> <i>"._NONE."</i><br />

 [ Base:    Module Simplifications             v1.0.0 ]
 [ Base:    Module Simplifications             v1.0.0 ]
}//end if admin 

And delete, or cancel it all out using with // or going through and putting in /* and */. To the canceling out requires you to use a program like dreamweaver/sublime text, and maybe notepad++ to know if there are any errors. This also require a little thought, but that's only if you want to save the code for later.

Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:09 am
Original Poster
Blabbing Noob
64 Posts
Reputation: 270.4
I was in the wrong place.  Thanks a bunch for your help.

Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:46 pm
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