Hiyah CoRpSe Dude!
I forgot how to remove/disable the section right under the last menu item.
There's a section that show Modules Invisible, Invisible Modules and Inactive Modules showing within the Main Menu. Is there anyway to remove all of that information? I couldn't find it anywhere in the Sommaire menu admin panel
Thanks for your help
I forgot how to remove/disable the section right under the last menu item.
There's a section that show Modules Invisible, Invisible Modules and Inactive Modules showing within the Main Menu. Is there anyway to remove all of that information? I couldn't find it anywhere in the Sommaire menu admin panel
Thanks for your help
That is only show to those that are logged in as Admin, nobody else. So if you're afraid of others seeing it, well, if they are not admin, they wont/can't.
As for removing it, well if you really want it gone, then you need to edit the file:
Find: (Around line 808):
Replace with:
And delete, or cancel it all out using with // or going through and putting in /* and */. To the canceling out requires you to use a program like dreamweaver/sublime text, and maybe notepad++ to know if there are any errors. This also require a little thought, but that's only if you want to save the code for later.
As for removing it, well if you really want it gone, then you need to edit the file:
Find: (Around line 808):
PHP: [ Select all ]
if ($som_groupmenu == 99 && $is_admin==1) { // si on est à la catégorie 99, on affiche tous les modules installés/activés/visibles qui n'ont pas été affichés dans les catégories.
for ($z=0;$z<count($module);$z++) {
$customtitle2 = str_replace ("_"," ", $module[$z]);
if (!empty($customtitle[$z])) {
$customtitle2 = $customtitle[$z];
if ($module[$z] != $main_module) {
if (($is_admin===1 AND $view[$z] == 2) OR $view[$z] != 2) {
for ($i=0;$i<count($totalcategorymodules);$i++) {
if ($module[$z]==$totalcategorymodules[$i]) {
if ($incategories==0) {
$flagmenu = $flagmenu+1;
if ($flagmenu==1) {
$content .="<hr><div align=\"center\">"._SOMMAIREADMINVIEWALLMODULES."</div>"; // si il y a des modules affichés en rubrique 99, on affiche avant une ligne horizontale
$content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxvisibles\">"
."<select width=\"100%\" name=\"somlistboxvisibles\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
$content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=$module[$z]\">$customtitle2</option>
}//end for groupmenu=99
}//end if groupmenu=99
Replace with:
PHP: [ Select all ]
/* if ($som_groupmenu == 99 && $is_admin==1) { // si on est à la catégorie 99, on affiche tous les modules installés/activés/visibles qui n'ont pas été affichés dans les catégories.
for ($z=0;$z<count($module);$z++) {
$customtitle2 = str_replace ("_"," ", $module[$z]);
if (!empty($customtitle[$z])) {
$customtitle2 = $customtitle[$z];
if ($module[$z] != $main_module) {
if (($is_admin===1 AND $view[$z] == 2) OR $view[$z] != 2) {
for ($i=0;$i<count($totalcategorymodules);$i++) {
if ($module[$z]==$totalcategorymodules[$i]) {
if ($incategories==0) {
$flagmenu = $flagmenu+1;
if ($flagmenu==1) {
$content .="<hr><div align=\"center\">"._SOMMAIREADMINVIEWALLMODULES."</div>"; // si il y a des modules affichés en rubrique 99, on affiche avant une ligne horizontale
$content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxvisibles\">"
."<select width=\"100%\" name=\"somlistboxvisibles\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
$content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=$module[$z]\">$customtitle2</option>
}//end for groupmenu=99
}//end if groupmenu=99 */
PHP: [ Select all ]
if ($is_admin===1) {
$key=count($module); // $key va permettre de se positionner dans $module[] pour rajouter des modules à la fin
$content .= "<br /><center><strong>"._INVISIBLEMODULES."</strong><br />";
$content .= "<span class=\"tiny\">"._ACTIVEBUTNOTSEE."</span></center>";
if (!($a == 1 AND $dummy != 1)) {
$content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxinvisibles\">"
."<select name=\"somlistboxinvisibles\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
$sql = "SELECT title, custom_title FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE active='1' AND inmenu='0' AND `title` NOT LIKE '~l~%' ORDER BY title ASC";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$mn_title = $row['title'];
$custom_title = $row['custom_title'];
$mn_title2 = str_replace("_", " ", $mn_title);
if (!empty($custom_title)) {
$mn_title2 = $custom_title;
if (!empty($mn_title2)) {
$content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=".$mn_title."\">".$mn_title2."";
$dummy = 1;
} else {
$a = 1;
$content.= "</select></form>
else {
$content .= "<br /><strong><big>·</big></strong> <i>"._NONE."</i><br />
$content .= "<br /><center><strong>"._NOACTIVEMODULES."</strong><br />";
$content .= "<span class=\"tiny\">"._FORADMINTESTS."</span></center>";
if (!($a == 1 AND $dummy != 1)) {
$content.="<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"sommaireformlistboxinactifs\">"
."<select name=\"somlistboxinactifs\" onchange=\"sommaire_envoielistbox(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">"
."<option value=\"select\">"._SOMSELECTALINK."";
[ Base: Caching System v3.0.0 ]
if (!($row4 = $cache->load('sommaire_row4', 'block'))) {
[ Base: Caching System v3.0.0 ]
$sql = "SELECT title, custom_title FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE active='0' AND `title` NOT LIKE '~l~%' ORDER BY title ASC";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$row4[] = $row;
[ Base: Caching System v3.0.0 ]
$cache->save('sommaire_row4', 'block', $row4);
[ Base: Caching System v3.0.0 ]
if (is_array($row4)) {
foreach($row4 as $row) {
$mn_title = $row['title'];
$custom_title = $row['custom_title'];
$mn_title2 = str_replace("_", " ", $mn_title);
if (!empty($custom_title)) {
$mn_title2 = $custom_title;
if (!empty($mn_title2)) {
$content .= "<option value=\"modules.php?name=".$mn_title."\">".$mn_title2."";
$dummy = 1;
} else {
$a = 1;
$content.= "</select></form>
else {
$content .= "<br /><strong><big>·</big></strong> <i>"._NONE."</i><br />
[ Base: Module Simplifications v1.0.0 ]
[ Base: Module Simplifications v1.0.0 ]
}//end if admin
And delete, or cancel it all out using with // or going through and putting in /* and */. To the canceling out requires you to use a program like dreamweaver/sublime text, and maybe notepad++ to know if there are any errors. This also require a little thought, but that's only if you want to save the code for later.
I was in the wrong place. Thanks a bunch for your help.