● What do I use for streaming.

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Well, recently, I had a few people come into my stream and ask me on how I did certain things on my stream and what programs do I use, so I decided I will post everything here so people can use it as a reference. If you guys have different opinions on programs or have your own programs you like to use, feel free to post here and let others know.

For streaming I use a program call OBS Studio:
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I have tried XSplit, but, I did not like the system as much as I did with OBS. Obe just seems to be a overall better system. Somewhat recently, they added in by default the ability to use VST plugins, 2.3 plugins that is, and I did not realize this until today. So I have been indulging myself into that more. A good pack of VST plugins to make your mic sound better can be downloaded here for free,
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Video tutorial for the VST plugin here:
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Make sure you download the right version for your OBS. I run the 64 bit version of OBS, so I downloaded and installed the 64 bit version.
Here is a screenshot of some that I am testing out.

Chatty is the next program I use:
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This program I use to view who is on, what people write, be able to easily change the game I am playing and the title of my stream easily. I can also easily mod my channel with it where I don't need to remember a bunch of commands. Its a great free program and I love it.

For my alerts, I use Streamlabels.
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This is actually a multi fonction site. let me go into a bit more detail on what I mean.

  • First, to start off, once you're on that site and registered, you will see that when someone donates, follows, gives bits, subscribes, that this will broadcast an image, sound or whatever you want to your stream. You will notice on mine, I have the zombie arms come down from the top holding a banner. This is how I do it.

  • Next, on my stream, you will see my overlay where I also have like the latest donator/follower, and at the bottom, the ticker for donations. Well, that is done using their program which was originally Twitchalerts.

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    They made this into a google plugin, but I am happy they ditched that and went with it as a stand alone program. This program, not only writes all that information into text files so you can do all the stuff showing the latest what ever, but it also allows you to see the recent activity, like donation, follow, subscribed, ect... .

    This is definitely a program that is a must have.


Last section is actually going to be two, one is a program, and one is not that you download and install.
But for the BOTs that I use on my stream, first off is;

  1. Nightbot -
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    This bot is all controlled right from their site on the dashboard. No downloading or installing. very verse bot and easy to use. Great community that can help you code, or create what you're looking for.

  2. Ultimate Twitch Bot -
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    This bot I just started using on my site mostly because I wanted to have a welcome message to new users and returning users. I am still learning of all its features, but worth taking a look at.

Overall, these are the things I use and try. Granted, if you are streaming, especially if your using a single PC like I am ATM, you really do need to have a minimum of duel monitor to be able to have a decent stream. Me, I have all my programs on my right monitor along with TS3, and on my left is where I game from.

Example of my two screens:

  1. Chatty
  2. Ultimate Twitch Bot
  3. TeamSpeak 3
  4. OBS Studio or Open Broadcast Software
  5. Stream Labels

Well, I hope this helps a little and if you have other programs you like, be sure to post here and let others know.

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