Once you aquire a Tier 7 Ship you can enter Team Battles. If you dont belong to a team you can join an understaffed team as a mercenary. I joined a team as a merc. I am complete noob at Team Battles so please excuse any mistakes. A lot of teams wont let you join if you are Tier 7. They prefer the advantage of Tier 8 ships. Anyhoo this is how the battle went down from my point of view.
Thanks for watching
Thanks for watching
— coRpSE wroteNice battle. I would have engaged the guy that killed you sooner, but I know how getting focused on something can pull you away from the obvious.
I was dodging the first ones torpedoes so i had to turn.Then i had to fensd off the destroyer. The second my guns lined up i fired i couldnt have engaged him any sooner i didnt have a firing solution. So i dont feel i missed the obvious. Very easy to watch afterwards and say yep maybe i should have done this or that. Not so easy when your trying to watch 3 ships at once lol
nice job
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