● I need you thoughts. [Forum News Update]

Which option should I go with?

( 1 ) ( 25% ) Option #1
( 1 ) ( 25% ) Option #2
( 2 ) ( 50% ) Both, have an admin option to choose.
( 0 ) ( 0% ) Neither, will explain in a post
Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:39 pm
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For most of you know, I mentioned the forums news module getting an update to post to Discord, well, here is a little secret, I did it. I am just finalizing the code, testing, tweaking, and trying to come up with a good design.

I have two options, for the most part, they look the same, the only difference is what is under the text "HSX News Bot [BOT] Today at 8:28 PM". What i want to know is should I have that additional text shown, the posted by, USERNAME, and date & time?

Please vote, I like to finish this off soon.

Option #1:

Option #2:

Little information about the module update. Just like the Lotto module, I gave this the controls to have a bot name, avatar, webhook URL and the testhook URL. I did this so if you have other things that the bot is posing in that discord section, you can use the same bot, but make it look like a different bot. I haven't built the test part in, but I am working on that now. I am not sure when it will be done, for I have some other hurdles first to deal with first, but, it is coming along.

Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:40 pm
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I could change the text from, "Posted by:", to just "Posted:", and the date. Really no need to put in the username, but feel free to discuss.

Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:45 am
Blabbing Noob
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That line looks cramped next to the post and that's the only reason I would say it's better without.
Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:28 pm
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I can gap it a little, maybe do a

Posted by coRpSE:
Sep 12th, 2023 at 08:43pm

The only reason I am bringing this up as a question is most news are going to be posted by the same person, and the date & time is sort of there when Discord posts it, which can be a few min later, but shouldn't be that long, as long as someone visits the home page of your site, (which is the trigger to post on Discord).

Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:31 am
Blabbing Noob
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The time being a little behind the original post is no biggie to me and like you said, the original post time will be on the website anyway.

I really do like this Idea. I would love to see this somehow implemented into a future update for the forums, or at least have the option for anyone who runs a Discord server.

Off-Topic a little but have you and Lonestar had any more Idea's about using a different format for the forums. I think at the moment it is PHPBB2. Do you guys have any thoughts on Integrating PHPBB3 in the future?

Fri Sep 15, 2023 12:49 pm
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A certain someone, keeps saying PHPBB3 can be intergated into Evolution Xtreme, But it can not be, I have tried several times, Even Technocrat tried, The cores are just too different, Means modifying both cores, which could take month and months and still not work properly.

I have modified quite a bit of the forum core code in the update, even re-wrote some of the section to be more efficient, We are just gonna have to come up with out own way of making the forums.

After the update is released, I will be working primarily on the plugin system, Do so will main there will be no more core edits to be done in the future, and the forum itself will become a plugin, instead of been coded into the core like it is now.

I was talking to coRpSe a couple of days ago, we were talking about certain sections that really need some work, like the permission system, that section is an absolute mess, Some of the code, I can not even make any heads of tails of what the code is actually for, There are no notations.

So this is another section that will be getting a major overhaul, if not a complete re-write.

I will be making a post in a few months, asking the public what they would like to see when it comes to the forums, and just as the Xtreme, additional plugins for forums will be available, and they wioll just a be a matter of uploading them to the plguin menu, to make the forum modifications, again no more core edits.

Think that should do for the time being.

Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:28 am
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Well, I came to an executive decision.

I am going to just do this:

It has all the info, but is not crowded.

Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:50 am
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That looks great, much better the way you have it now.

Sat Sep 16, 2023 3:23 pm
Blabbing Noob
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— coRpSE wrote
Well, I came to an executive decision.

I am going to just do this:

It has all the info, but is not crowded.

That looks better, short, sweet and to the point.

Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:45 pm
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I was thinking about it and figured why not just do the author the way Discord wants it to be, and the date, I figured I could just use the available footer.

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