● QR Code Script

Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:47 pm
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Today, I was messing around with a qr-code library for haha's and I ended up writing a script where people can input URL's, text, emails, ect... and it will create it into a QR Code image.

What is a QR Image, well, I am sure you have seen one at one time, they are everywhere.

Right now, it's a stand-alone system, but, I can easily write it into a module.
Would this be a module someone would like to have on their site to use?

The frontend only has an input with a generate button, once generated, it shows you the image with a button to click to save the image. Also, it shows you the image so you can test it before downloading the image. The image is stored for 5 min, then it is deleted.

There is an admin side that logs everything without the use of a database. The stand-alone version I have it grab the IP, time & date, and the text that was inputted. But, if I created it into a module, it would just grab the username for the log.

Why have a log, you may wounder, mostly for security reasons. If someone tries to do malicious acts with it, you will see it. Everything is stored into a text file so again, no database. What do you think?

Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:26 pm
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Okay, here is a working demo of the script. Like I said, this was done for shits & giggles. If anyone wants this, I will make the script available.
Right now, it's a standalone system.
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If you want to check out the back end, go here:
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Username: user
Password: demo

This does not use SQL at all. This is all writing to a text file and that is it.

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