● Looking for some assistance.

Tue Sep 20, 2022 5:43 pm
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I am looking for someone that is willing to help me out with a module that I am working on. Usually I do all the graphic work on my module, but would like to see if someone is willing to step up and help me out by doing something. What I am looking for is someone that can create a TC medal image. I want it to look modern, clean, and something you would expect to be something used in a game. If you could make multiple, that would be better for all people to have a choice.

Things to note.

  • I don't want anything submitted that looks like it was made in paint, I will just get rid of them. Should be clean, stylish, semi realistic, (NOT FLAT), I know that was a fad for a while, always hated that look.

  • I don't want other's work done and passed off as yours, so keep it original. I don't mind taking images off of Google and heavily modifying them, that is fine, but, try keeping it original and try not have it like something that is already out there that has great meaning.

    (Before anyone goes off about my statement about "heavily modifying" other's images saying that's stealing or not original, I ask, have you ever heard of a collage, or seen a sculpture made from scraps. Only mentioned because of a few people and a debate we had in the past.)

  • Preferred image size are as listed below:
    Main Image:
    • Max size: 400 x 400 pixels
    • Preferred size: 350 x 350 px
    • Minimum size: 300 x 300px

    Forum banner:
    • Size: 140 x 30px

    The forum banner can go a bit higher, like up to 40 - 44px if it's a glow or something pushing it up that high, but like to keep the main image pretty thin. I like to try to keep it somewhat sleek looking.

  • Needs to work on both light & dark themes.

  • Think outside the box, it doesn't need to be a ribbon or trophy, and could be more of a futuristic style.
    This is an example of the original medal.

  • Besides the "Trophy/Ribbon" style image that I requested, I also could need an image to work within the forums, as a badge of honor being the TC. For example:
    That is what I mean by a banner type image. Font needs to be readable, and would like it in multiple colors.

  • One last thing, and this is probably the most important, it needs to have a transparent background with clean edges, that means it needs to be png or WebP for both offer transparency and are well-supported in browsers. PNG is going to be my preferred type personally.

This is not a paid job, but, recognition of your contribution will be in the credits as well as a link back to your site, right next to my credits.
If you're interested, let me know in a PM, and, if you like to talk more about it, hope on my TS server, we can also talk on Discord as well if you prefer that, and of course, we can do PM's which are slower.

Why am I looking for help on this instead of doing it my self like I normally do, well, it's simple. I am really busy, and it's getting harder for me to sit at my PC and do this. The pain is only getting worse, and if I can focus less on certain things, I can better spend my time working on other things. I know I can do the graphics. I consider my self as an okay graphic artist, but, I know there are people out there that can do it better than me, and I like to show case that.

Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:20 am
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Updated my post with some size constraints I sort of left out. Sorry.

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