● ENGINE, Character set & Collation converter

Fri Jun 17, 2022 4:00 pm
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A couple of days ago, I was updating a friends website from Evo d to the latest version, and when I went to do the DB tables, I ran into a bit of an issue. When I went to install some scripts, I kept getting errors like:

Code: [ Select all ]

Message: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
Code: 1071

There were other issues that popped up, but that was the most common. After doing some research, I found a simple fix, and that was to change his site from using utf8 to utf8mb4, and change the ENGINE from MyISAM to InnoDB and so on. I didn't think that would have been a factor since it ran fine on the older version of Evo, but then I remembered I also updated his PHP to use the most recent stable version on his host, and doing that, is what made the difference, (I think).

I remember years ago, I wrote this script to do it for me, (for the most part), but, when my PC died, I thought I lost it. After contacting a few friends, I was lucky to find that Lonestar had a copy, well, an older one, so I had to change it from using MySQL to MySQLi. I know some of you may say, why not do PDO, and I have seen some say MySQLi is on its way out, (that's a lie). Both have their benefits and weaknesses, and I am going to stick with what I know. I will leave why to another thread.

Overall, I went to use it and by chance, I did a second look through on my site here and I found a similar one to the one I got from him, just changed a little. Well, i ended up using the one on my site and updated it to use MySQLi, as well as added a system to change the ENGINE of all tables, as well as using the latest recommended Character set and Collation, (by default).


You can still change the settings, but, no matter what you change them too, using this script will be hands down faster than doing it manually.
You can download it here:
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Side note, this post is more for me if I need to find this because I tend to look in the forums first.

Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:03 am
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It's nice to know there is another option. Glad that you found it.
Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:07 am
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What's nice about this script, it will work on any database, not just nuke. So, anyone running old WordPress/Joomla sites, or anything, and they want to update the DB, this is an easy and fast system.

Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:40 pm
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Yes , a very nice handy tool. I have been using it for a while and works well. When i had my site on the web i was having all sorts of problems, the main one was it would not let me logout the would not let me login, hittng ctr-f5, deleting cache and still no joy, so in the end i blamed the web server and took it down, i don't have that problem on a local using Wamp64, Xamp64 or Ammps, it could off been something to do with SSL they provide. anway will rent a different server to try it when the latest update and others are done.
Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:58 pm
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— zardos wrote
Yes , a very nice handy tool. I have been using it for a while and works well. When i had my site on the web i was having all sorts of problems, the main one was it would not let me logout the would not let me login, hittng ctr-f5, deleting cache and still no joy, so in the end i blamed the web server and took it down, i don't have that problem on a local using Wamp64, Xamp64 or Ammps, it could off been something to do with SSL they provide. anway will rent a different server to try it when the latest update and others are done.

That is strange. Who was your host?

Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:26 am
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Hi m8, it is
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I use there Platinum web space. Tell me do you still need to put the (.) befor the cookie name with 2.0.9f i have tried boyh ways with no change in being able to login or logout on the web.

Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:50 am
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— zardos wrote
Hi m8, it is
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I use there Platinum web space. Tell me do you still need to put the (.) befor the cookie name with 2.0.9f i have tried boyh ways with no change in being able to login or logout on the web.

If your website is something like:


Then the cookies settings would be
Cookie domain: .MyDomain.com
Cookie name: MyDomain
Cookie path: /
Cookie secure: Enabled
Sessions length [seconds]: 3600

If it wasn't letting you log out, then it couldn't be the cache that was keeping you logged in, it would be your cookie. I don't know about other browsers and their plugins/extensions, but on Chrome, I use an extension called "
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" which works great at editing cookies, look at what is in it, and remove anything or edit it.

Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:14 pm
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Thanks m8, that is how my cookies were setup, tried cookie secure enabled and disabled, session length didn't look at. Was using chrome and thought that was the problem, will have a look at this extension and may try again on the web, Thanks again m8.

Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:25 pm
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No problem, if you run into any issues, feel free to ask.

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