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● timeline

Sat Oct 09, 2021 6:28 pm
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it wont install from the acp, when i try import the sql file i get the following error:

Code: [ Select all ]

SQL query:

-- --------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `nuke_evolution` WHERE `nuke_evolution` `evo_field` = 'timeline_main_title';

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`evo_field` = 'timeline_main_title'' at line 2
Sat Oct 09, 2021 8:26 pm
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When you uploaded the contents of the public_html folder into your root of your site, then went into the ACP->Timeline, did it run the installer after you checked the checkbox? If so, was there any red?

If you go into the module, is it not working?

You may get away with just running this if it's not installing.

Code: [ Select all ]

-- Table structure for table `nuke_timeline`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nuke_timeline`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nuke_timeline` (
  `pos` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `date` varchar(7) NOT NULL,
  `title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `body` text,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `nuke_time_line`
INSERT INTO `nuke_timeline` (`id`, `pos`, `date`, `title`, `body`) VALUES (1, 1, '11-2020', 'Evo Timeline Released', 'Curently, you can use bbcode in this textarea, but due to the current limitations of the bbcode editor box that we have in this CMS at the moment, you must manully type in the bbcode you want, or create it in a forums post and copy & paste it here, aslong as you stay under the character count. Yes, the bbcode counts towards the character count.');
-- --------------------------------------------------------

INSERT INTO `nuke_evolution` (`evo_field`, `evo_value`) VALUES ('timeline_main_title', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_evolution` (`evo_field`, `evo_value`) VALUES ('timeline_main_body', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_evolution` (`evo_field`, `evo_value`) VALUES ('timeline_version', '1.0.0');

If all else fails, if you like, I can do it for you or with you through remote, or talking you through it on a VOIP like TS3 or Discord. Here is a little animation I just did on how it should go if all was done right using the built-in in installer. I built this to install a little different from what you would have done before.

Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:47 am
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After uploaded to public_html > modules i go to acp, Timeline is there but no image. when i click it, i get "This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.

Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:14 am
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I know on the Xtreme site we are talking about finding what version of Evo you are on and this is sounding like you are on an older version of Evo.

Sun Oct 10, 2021 7:11 pm
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its possible mate, though am sure it was updated at somepoint. i moved the image for the module  to images/admin and that works now. timeline table is now created with the code you sent. i was the wrong db at first lol. the code from the timeline sql still didnt work.

Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:36 pm
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Well, d was what was being used for many years, then Lonestar and I did some updates and changes to modules, things were added and removed, and that was when we released E. Now we are on F and there were some more changes.

You can see the list when you look at the description of 2.0.9F:
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Mon Oct 11, 2021 3:20 am
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it must be e, theres alot on f i dont think ive got installed. fresh install means alot of time reinstalling mods etc etc etc, id rather not. i might try updating to f and see how that goes.

Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:48 am
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What mods?
You can try updating, but I can tell you from personal experience, updating usually takes more time and is more of a headache.
That's why i no longer update, I just reinstall, and redo updates if they are needed, for many of the mods I ran are now in by default.

Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:23 am
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— Soulfly wrote
After uploaded to public_html > modules i go to acp, Timeline is there but no image. when i click it, i get "This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.

had the same error as first post on new install of F doing a manual install, used the create table if doesnt exist as above and it worked

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:56 am
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With this mod, I don't recommend doing the manual installation. That is why I went to the extent of building the installer the way I did to make it better and less likely to have errors. I know what the problem is with the manual install, and I will fix it, but also put in a Warning to not do this unless the auto installer failed.

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