Okay, this thread I am starting is because of a bunch of stupid shit that has been going on and even me pointing out to certian individuals, and them still believing that they are right, makes them look all the more idiotic. I will not be using peoples' names, but I want to highlight some dumb shit people have said to me, and yet, still believe they are smarter than most and can't be wrong.
I would also love to hear your experiences of hearing dumb shit said to you. Think of this as a venting thread where we can laugh at some stupid shit people have said to us. You will be surprised at the stuff people say, and when you say prove it, or, show them evidence that shows they are wrong, they go ape shit because they either can't back up what they said, or refuse to be proven wrong. I know we all hate hearing that we are wrong, but, guess what, everyone is wrong at some time, and you just have to get over it and admit that you were wrong. Enough said, I will start on a few experiences, even some really recent.
Overall, and I hope you game admins read this story, don't always assume. If you follow my Twitch and watch when I stream, you know, when I am playing a game, and I think you cheated, If I can't review it my self, I wont report, unless you are an idiot and make it too obvious. I have seen too many people like me get banned, then when you see "said evedance", if there is any, it's sometimes a joke and there is nothing there. The admins may see it because they want to see it, but, in reality, it's actually not there. That is why it's best for a non-objective user should be there, for the voice of reason if some of these cases.
I would also love to hear your experiences of hearing dumb shit said to you. Think of this as a venting thread where we can laugh at some stupid shit people have said to us. You will be surprised at the stuff people say, and when you say prove it, or, show them evidence that shows they are wrong, they go ape shit because they either can't back up what they said, or refuse to be proven wrong. I know we all hate hearing that we are wrong, but, guess what, everyone is wrong at some time, and you just have to get over it and admit that you were wrong. Enough said, I will start on a few experiences, even some really recent.
- (I already knew this!) - You all know that I do various tutorials. Well, over the years, I have been getting both comments on my videos and PM's to me from a couple of individuals that seem to always reply, "I already knew how to do this, why did you make this?". I always replied, "It's meant for those that don't know how to do this. Not everyone knows how to do this, so for them, it was informative.". Well, after a few years of this, I have gotten to the point where I just remove their comment or have blocked them. You just have to wounder, why, after it's been said once to them why I do what I do the way I do it, that I have to keep this. Are they just trying to be trolls, or are they really this stupid? (FYI: These are grown adults 40+ in age).
- (A BA in BS) - This is a really recent one, so some of you, that have been following the story, will know what I am talking about. I will not get into that whole incident, but, I will cover just this one part. These individuals claimed they had the whole legal right to do something, but when asked for the proof that it was legal, and I asked them to cite the exact codes that gave them the right, all they did was post a link to the official gov website. Okay, now, which law gave them that right? Well, I guess they couldn't answer that since they never stated one that proved their arguments. Now, when using exact links to the codes and references that proved their whole "legal" case was bullshit, they deflected and just went on about other BS, (Bullshit), things and refused to answer because they couldn't. Hell, one of them then shit talked about being an educated man. Well, when I think about it now, I guess he does, he has a BA in BS. If he reads this, and he knows who he is, that is a reference to having a bachelor's in bullshit, that's what I think of your education.
- (I can't log in.) - Okay, this one was funny, and we had both laughed about it for years now, but this will explain why I do tutorials the way I do, like going into too much what most would consider, worthless information. Years ago, I had a friend that decided that he wanted to have his own site, so he downloaded Evo, (not Xtreme), and proceeded to follow one of my earlier video tutorials that I did over at ClanThemes where I didn't go into all the mundane details that I do now. Well, he followed the instructions to the letter, and in that video, I said for the username, put in "YourName" and the password as, "YourPassword". He contacted me on TS3 saying that he set up his site, but can't do anything. I asked him what was going on, and he said he followed my instructions, but can't log in into his site. I ended asking him what his credentials he went with, and he kept telling me that he went with his gamer name, and he gave me his password. Well, I went into the database and looked up the users, and sure enough, I found the problem. There was no user with his username he wanted, can you guess what user, (besides Anonymous), was there?
If you guessed "YourName", you are right. He went with the username YourName and the password as YourPassword. Â
It took him a min to realize what he did wrong, then proceeded to tell me that I didn't say to put what he wanted as a username and password, I just said to put in YourName and YourPassword. What is worse, he does have an associates degree from Emerson College. I know I am not much of an educated man, I dropped out of high school my senior/freshman year, (long story, and if you want to know about it, I will tell you), then did a couple of years of college where I passed my algebra class only showing up to class for a total of 4 days, (I found a loophole and exploited it), and then I had two years in schooling for different trades, autobody and electrical, (commercial, residential, and industrial). I have had and IQ test, (state forced it when I was 18, and I was about to no longer see my psychiatrist), and I scored a 142. So, don't think that only people without educations only make really dumbass mistakes, we all do, that's what is called being human. - (How much have you had to drink?) - Years ago, I lived in Connecticut, and one thing we did have too much of, was cops. I always liked to mess with our boys in blue when ever I could, and what makes it the best is when you can make fun of them to thier face, and they don't realize it untill it's too late. Now, if you have been reading this all the way through, you would remember me just telling how I found a loop hole in passing my collage class by only showing up 4 times. Well, if there is a loophole and I catch it, I will exploite it. Well, this one is a loophole, but in a word play that went wrong for an officer.
One day, I just had finished filming a race at a offroad race track that was near me, and all day, being out in the sun, had made me vary parched. So I drank a lot of water, and had a couple of beers with my lunch. Well, at the end of the race, I rushed home to take a shower and get changed because I was going to meet my girlfriend and a few of my friends at the bar. So, I get home, do all that, then make something for dinner and about 7pm, left to go to the bar. Right down the stree was the on-ramp for the highway, and at that intersection, well, there was a DUI check. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is just a check point to see if you are too drunk to drive.
Needless to say, I was in no rush to get to the bar so I pull up, and the officer said something that turned on that lightbuld in my head which made me smile. This young officer comes to my window and politly said, "Good evening sir, how you doing. So, how much have you had to drink today?". Now, for most of you, you probably didn't catch that and would just anser, "I had a couple of beers with lunch", and then you would be on your way. Well, not me, I saw the rabbit hole and I dove in head first. For you that didn't catch what I am talking about, think about it. He didn't ask how much alcholic beverages I've had, just just asked how much have I had to drink. Well, water, juice, coffie are all other types of beverages. So, I started thinking out loud.
"I had, lets see, about 6 before lunch, then 2 at lunch, and another 6 - 8 after lunch.". At this point, the officer asked me to step out of my car for a field subrity test. So I comply. He asks me to put my arms out, head straight, and to walk a line. I point to my cane and said "yeah right". So he let that one pass and told me to stand on 1 foot, didn't matter which one, and touch my finger tips to my nose. Done and done and passed with fyling colors. Next, he asked me to say my alphabet from E through T without sining it. so I go off, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T. He looks at me a little confused. He is like, for someone that has drank so much, I don't smell alchol on you and you certianly not drunk. I reponeded, I hope so, if wanter got me drunk, then there would be a problem. He paused for a few moments thrying to figure what the hell I was talking about. Finally I caved and said, you asked me, "how much have you had to drink today?". I proceeded to tell him I didn't want to lie so I had a coffie before I left, then had a OJ and about 4 waters before lunch, then I had 2 beers with my luch, then I had between 6 - 8 waters and juices after wards, but that was so I didn't passout while filming at the race track.
Needless to say, he chuckled and looked at the ground shaking his head. He left that one wide open and I took it. He couldn't bust me on anything because 1, I answered his question 100% accurate and honest, and 2, I wasn't drunk. Some may said I waisted his time and I knew what he was asking, but, think of this, your arguement is then saying I should lie to the cops, becuase if I answered the way you say I should, then, that wouldn't be answering his question honestly. Well, needless to say, we had a good chuckle and he told me to get lost and have fun at the bar.
Well, on my way home from the bar, I hit the same DUI check, (had too, the only other way around was 20 min out of the way, at least 20 min. So, I pull up to the DUI check and I got another young officer, and again, I was asked, "How you doing?, How much have you had to drink today?", and before I could answer, that young officer from eariler jumped over the jersy barrier yelling, don't ask him that. He gets to my window and he asks, you have a good night, I said yes and how was his thus far, he responded, pretty moring after you left. Then he waved me on and said to me to have a good night. As I pull away, I see in my rearview mirror the two officers talking, then they bust out laughing and pointing at me, so I can only imagine who they weretalking about, *cough* *cough* :dielaughing:
About a year later, one of my friends that is a cop, was talking to us at a party and starts telling a story that he heard about some wiseass that made them stop asking how much they have ahd to drink, and now had to speculate alcholic beverages, next thing I know, everyone is laughing and it was pointed out to this friend that it was because of me, and the only thing that came from him afterwords was, "Go figure, it had to be you.". I guess I pull shit like that too often.
Now, if you ever get pulled over, and someone asks you a stupid question like that, have fun with it and answer honest. - (You can't post that, DELETE IT!) - Well, if any of you have been around since the good old ClanThemes days, and was around during a very public war I had going with a group called PunksBusted, (they were an MBL system for PunkBuster), then you probably already heard this story. I will try to keep it somewhat short. Well, back in the day, when our clan had somewhat just got into Call of Duty 4, we had a private server that was running a custom sniping mod. Well, we ran pretty much only custom maps due to our server being snipers only, (at that time), so I decided to find a way to make it easier for people to be able to download our mod & maps quicker and easier. I ended up making an installer file, (.exe), that would install the maps and mod that we were using. Will, everything went great and worked perfectly. The installer was compressed great and was a fraction of the size of all the maps and mod that was contained, but one little problem. The issue was, it created an uninstall.exe file that was if memory serves me, like 115kb in size, where if you wanted to remove the maps and mod, you can click that, and it would remove everything that it installed. I didn't realize it created that until I went onto my server and PunkBuster popped with a message saying that it detected the file, but it was minimal. Well, I thought nothing of it and went on to make a new installer without an uninstall.exe file. Months went by, hell, I actually think it was closer to a year and a half, when Battlefield Bad Company 2, (?), was coming out, and we got a server for it. When I went to set up or normal MBL's that we used for COD4, (that was PunksBusted, PBBans, and GGC), all went well except for PunksBusted. They denied my request for the new server then blocked our COD4 server. When I asked why, they said I was banned for cheating. Â :o
I asked, when, where, what? They got back to me that their records showed that I was banned for an uninstall.exe file and there was a known cheat that has an uninstall.exe file that was "roughly" the same size. When I asked, what is the "roughly", they responded with, "give or take 150kb". My installer made a roughly 115kb in size if like I said, memory serves me. For those of you tech guys that know what the rough size of an average uninstaller, skip the next paragraph.
Now, for those of you that know how to search for individual file on your PC, search for uninstall.exe, or uninstall and look at the "Type: Application file" on your hard drives and tell me, out of all the uninstallers on your PC, how many of them are roughly the same size, give or take 150kb. I just did a search my self and just one of my HD, I had over 20. For those of you that don't know, an uninstaller usually just has a text doc in it that has just all the locations of all the files, folders, and registry keys, and uses a simple command to remove them. On average, with a few exceptions like games, most uninstallers are roughly the same size. Mine averaged between 45kb - 150kb, (yes, I had some lower, and some larger, but I am excluding games and large apps like Vegas and Fireworks).
So, if you a + or a - to 115 of 150, you will have an uninstaller between 0 and 265kb in size. How many uninstallers do you have that falls in that range.? Needless to say, they said, "Get us a copy of that file, so we can prove that you're not hacking.". I brought up the point that did they catch me with any hacks? Nope. Did any other file besides an "uninstall.exe" was ever found? Nope. Does the story of making a map pack make sense, (well, if you know about what I was doing, then yes, my story was 100% plausible.). I also asked them, do you ever create something, and if it didn't work just right, then you make a new one that does work, do you save the bad one as well as the good one, or do you delete the bad one and keep the good one. Me, personally, I get rid of the trash and keep the good.
This went on for weeks, emails back and forth about what was going on, I even went to the administration of GGC and PBBans asking if my accounts there were going to be suspended for the uninstaller that got detected, and they both laughed and said no, then asked why. I told them and they laughed even harder.
Finally, both on my website and on ClanThemes, I went public with what was going on. Posting emails, (names removed of course), and showing screenshots of the BS, and about a week went by when I got a flood of emails from PunksBusted staff warning me to remove the article from headshotdomain and clanthemes and I had absolutely no right to post those articles on those websites and told me they were going to report me to the owners of those sites and have me banned from both sites.
This is the funny part. In my signature on my emails, it read,
"Owner of:Please login to see this link
Get registered or Log in
Admin of:Please login to see this link
Get registered or Log in
They have been seeing that signature for weeks by this point. Wouldn't you think one of the god who know how many read that? So, I proceeded to email all of them that contacted me and said go right ahead, but, I will save them some time. The owner of headshot will tell you to fuck off, and I know this because I am telling you now to fuck off, and the owner of ClanThemes thinks you guys are a bunch of asshole, and he even says it in the first responce of that thread, (That was Ped). I sent Ped a copy of the email they sent me and he said that he really wanted them to email him, so he could go off on them. Overall, I think they all got the point that complaining to the owners wouldn't work because, well, they never sent the emails.
Very shortly after I went public on ClanThemes about what was going on and the great user response we got on there, I am talking about pages and pages of responces, PunksBusted got ddosed and their provider had dropped them. Since they went 'out of buisness', some loyalist of them have picking up the tab of the domain so someone like me couldn't buy it and show what we think of them.
Overall, the take away of this long ass story is;- Don't think, because you have a little power on one site, you are god and can inforce your power on other sites. You have to be an idiot to think your power transfer from site to site.
- Don't make stupid claims of something being roughly the same size with the average all fall in that rough size. You just may bump into someone that has a higher IQ than you and points out your stupidity.
- Banning someone and ruining someones experince on a game/games because of something that you can't even come close to proving, and having that mentality of, "because I said so", is shitty and that is what makes you a stupid POS that should never be incharge of anything.
- Don't think, because you have a little power on one site, you are god and can inforce your power on other sites. You have to be an idiot to think your power transfer from site to site.
Overall, and I hope you game admins read this story, don't always assume. If you follow my Twitch and watch when I stream, you know, when I am playing a game, and I think you cheated, If I can't review it my self, I wont report, unless you are an idiot and make it too obvious. I have seen too many people like me get banned, then when you see "said evedance", if there is any, it's sometimes a joke and there is nothing there. The admins may see it because they want to see it, but, in reality, it's actually not there. That is why it's best for a non-objective user should be there, for the voice of reason if some of these cases.
Whew! Long reading...
Well said, I especially like (I can't log in.) and (How much have you had to drink?).
Well said, I especially like (I can't log in.) and (How much have you had to drink?).
— EmeraldDragon wroteWhew! Long reading... Â
Well said, I especially like (I can't log in.) and (How much have you had to drink?). Â
Thanks. Sorry for the long post. My favorite thing is to mess with cops, especially when you can answer honestly and at the same time make them look dumb as all hell. I guess I do that with friends and family as well. I have another cop one, but I didn't post it because if you're not from my area, it may not be as funny. Just say, when I told the officer I worked at the "Webster", that there is more than 1 Webster and the one he was thinking about defiantly was not the one that I worked at.
— coRpSE wroteThanks. Sorry for the long post. My favorite thing is to mess with cops, especially when you can answer honestly and at the same time make them look dumb as all hell. I guess I do that with friends and family as well.  I have another cop one, but I didn't post it because if you're not from my area, it may not be as funny. Just say, when I told the officer I worked at the "Webster", that there is more than 1 Webster and the one he was thinking about defiantly was not the one that I worked at.