● Twitch scripts for streamers - Part 2: Magic ( 8 ) Ball

Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:33 am
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This is the second script that is made available, which is the Magic (8) Ball script. This is the oldest out of the bunch and was made because the original script that was out there, was hosted on someones site, and they shut down their site, so, I decided to make my own.

Yes, this requires Nightbot. I am not going to go over on how to set up night bot, just go to YouTube to find that out. The scripts I am providing are free to use, and just follow the following examples, and you should have no problems using them. The 4 scripts that I am making available are as follows:

  1. Random Chatter - Will grab a random person that is watching your stream and display their name.
  2. The Latest Followers - Will display your latest (1-20) followers, what ever you set.
  3. Magic (8) Ball script - Makes it so you have a 8ball in your chat.
  4. Slaps - This has been the most popular one used, and it was built during a live stream a few years back.

Now, I will go over each one individually and how to implement them into Nightbot, either by from within your chat, or from the Nightbot Dashboard alsong with a few cases of what you can do with them.

Magic (8) Ball script:
This is the oldest, but was also the most widely used among many streamers, and was also the 2nd most used command on my stream. This is also probably the easiest to install as well.

The URL is going to look like this:

When done correctly, once inputted into your stream, it should look something like:

Now, how to implement:
From within your chat of your stream.

Code: [ Select all ]

!commands add !8ball $(user) asks: "$(query)" «§» $(urlfetch https://www.headshotdomain.net/twitch_scripts/public_8ball.php)

The message that would use in the adding a custom command is as follows:

Code: [ Select all ]

$(user) asks: "$(query)" «§» $(urlfetch https://www.headshotdomain.net/twitch_scripts/public_8ball.php)

I will break this down a bit. The $(user) is going to be the Twitch handle of the person that types in the command. The $(query) is the question the person inputs. And, of course, the $urlfetch(URL HERE) is the link to the script that only prints text on an unformatted page.

How to use in your stream:
Simple, all you have to do is type !8ball and your questions:
E.g.: !8ball Will coRpSE stream today?

Well, that is for part 2, I will be doing this in 4 different threads, so a single post is not a mile long. Also, I want to make it better for searching, so breaking it up like this is the best option. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

(Special Request): If you do decide to use these scripts on your own stream, please consider either donating a little to our site for hosting and making these for you, or at lease, put some sort of link back either to my twitch or my site in your cards or somewhere on your stream.

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