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● Mafia City H5

Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:04 am
117 Posts
Reputation: 247.5
Hey CoRpSE! I know you wrote the "How Mafia City H5a while back. Do you still play it? I just started playing the other week after reading your information page. (again) big grin lol Still learning how everything works. Got myself into a clan too.  big grin

Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:48 pm
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— EmeraldDragon wrote
Hey CoRpSE! I know you wrote the "How Mafia City H5a while back. Do you still play it? I just started playing the other week after reading your information page. (again) big grin lol Still learning how everything works. Got myself into a clan too.  big grin

Yes, I still play Mafia City. What do you mean with the H5a after Mafia City? I just play Mafia City, I have two accounts, which one is a farm. I am in city 626 and go by the name ༺༒ςσЯρSΞ༒༻. If you view city 626 and look at grid 633:650 you will see my location. Granted, on the next city migration, myself and the 3 other mansions around me may move. We are looking for an English-speaking clan that meets are requirements. These guys are great, but, the translator in the game sucks, and my Japanese is non-existing. I know I need to update that page, but most of it I believe is still relevant, well, what I remember of the page. I have not been to it for a while. I am sure I have some things I may need to add and alter.

Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:14 am
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H5 is what I see on the main site.

I am in the city 1232 current location 537,718. But I will teleport to a different location (next to one of my Clan Leader) as soon as I obtain enough gold.  My Clan is English speaking Clan. If you guys wants to move over, it would be cool.   big grin

Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:37 am
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Ah, I see ya. Why are all of you bubbled up? It's not a Kill Event? I am guessing your city doesn't have much in the line of rules?
Doesn't look like you have many big players on your map. I thought I saw like 3, and none very strong.

I will be updating the web page with a few new stuff, like, when at the pawn broker, exchanging equipment, only go for gold items, so keep making lots of gems. If you're just trying to your daily, then only make a level 1 and once made, break it down to get some gems back. (you sometimes won't get back what you put in).

Things like that will make it in. I should have that page updated in a couple of hours.

Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:28 am
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Killed Events happening, just started today in my city. I guess it's different in each of the city. I just got mine up just now for 24 hours. (figured how to do it like about 30 minutes ago. LOL)

Yeah, not that many big players, probably the city just got started not too long ago. You could dominated this city.  big grin ;)

Yep, definitely I could use more gold or gold items. Or , did I missed understood you? LOL!

Yes, please update the page, especially on how to obtain "Vigilante" without having to pay real money for it. I did tried to get one with gold and it's still locked. Adriana is the vigilante that purchased. It said I need 300 Frag and I only have 240/300. I keep clicking on buying more with gold but nothing happens. But my gold keeps depleting, so I stopped.

Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:23 am
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Hmmm, This is weird. I had been playing on my phone from starts, since I am always on the go. Now, since I am sitting in front of my computer trying to login and tried to play with my same account that I used. It trying to starts me from the beginning like I am a new player. Not sure why it's not transferring the account over and on the phone, it doesn't look like it's H5.

Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:26 am
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Ah, it's the same days, but different weeks. Like ours was last week, so this is our weekend off.

As for me going there and dominating, it would be a hindrance to me since more of the people are not worth me attacking. I try to only attack level 25+, or if I find a high level 20+.

For the vigilantes, I will work on that section now. I just finished 2 sections on Crew Rank Up and a section on Equipment, (found in the Tips and Tricks section). I also did a couple of graphic updates and some other small sections like on how to obtain free gold.

Fri Mar 26, 2021 11:28 am
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Okay, a whole new section for vigilantes has been added. Took a bit because I had to get screenshots.

Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:42 am
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Well, next time the city opens up, I will talk to the other guys, and we may come to your city and give you guys a hand for a little bit, granted, that is if you are still playing and growing your character.

Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:50 am
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— coRpSE wrote
Well, next time the city opens up, I will talk to the other guys, and we may come to your city and give you guys a hand for a little bit, granted, that is if you are still playing and growing your character.

Oh yes, I am still playing  laserschwert  kettensaege Trying to grow my character the best way I could. I am almost level 15 now. LOL! But still learning what to do. explodieren

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