● Theme Help | SimpleBlackV2

Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:52 pm
10 Posts
Reputation: 106.4
After migrating to 209E some of my guys had problems with the themes formatting correctly on their monitors.
After some hits and misses it seems that a majority have had success with the SimpleBlackV2 theme which I see you have available on your site. So, now, in my eyes you become the expert. ;)

Here's my issue.  When viewing forum posts, there are 4 options (Post, Reply, Print, Who Viewed) at the beginning of each post. The first 3 images display fine, but the Who Viewed is broken and displays the alternate text. I checked the folder(SimpleBlackV2/forums/images/lang_english) and was missing the icon_viewed.gif file.  I snatched that from your site but had no luck.

After digging around, I found reference in the viewtopic_body.tpl file.


What I can't seem to find is where {WHOVIEW_IMG} gets defined.  {U_WHOVIEW_TOPIC} is defined properly and establishes the correct link.

Where do I go to determine why {WHOVIEW_IMG} is not getting defined?
Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:54 pm
Original Poster
10 Posts
Reputation: 106.4
Oops.  Sorry. Never dawned on me that HTML would get gobbled up in the post.

Line #19 in the viewtopic_body.tpl file.

And, now that I look at your site, it appears you may have come across this issue already as your Who Viewed button is different from the others.

Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:04 pm
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Okay, the fix is simple. Since you already have the image from my site on your site, its just a matter of 1 simple edit.


On line 47, you will see:

Code: [ Select all ]

$images['icon_viewed']        = $current_template_images.'/{LANG}/icon_viewed.gif';

after that line, add

Code: [ Select all ]

$images['icon_view']          = $current_template_images.'/{LANG}/icon_viewed.gif';

I am not sure if that above line is used, I don't think it is, so you could more and likely just changed the 'icon_viewed' to 'icon_view'.
You will probably need to clear your cache after you do the change and the edit.

Hope this helps.

Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:08 am
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Reputation: 106.4
That did it.  lachen danka

Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:12 pm
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No problem, Anytime.

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