● HSX Website Upgrade

Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:01 pm
Clan Leader
Top Dog
Nuke Dev / Coder
3045 Posts
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Hello everyone. If you haven't noticed yet, but some changes have been happening to our website. We have upgraded from Evo 2.0.9D to the latest 2.0.9E. We also have upgraded our PHP version from PHP 5.6, to PHP 7.3. I know, I know, about time. I have been busy procrastinating by playing games, sleeping, cooking some dank food and writing a brand new Lottery Module that is due to be released soon. I also failed to mention that I had upgraded a few peoples sites to the latest version of the CMS. Well, you may be asking, why am I posting this in the news since I already had a post here:
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Well, its because I wanted to make sure everyone knew that this is happening and there are bound to be some bugs until I find them and squash them. I also wanted to note for those out there that had PM's stored, I'm sorry, I had to delete them.
There was a bug within the system and the best way I could think of to squash that bug was to just delete all the PM's and clear out that mess.

Other things are due to come up, but just note, nobody is going to get deleted, I think. Sorry for any inconvenience and hope you all have a good & safe holiday.

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