Okay, this is very simple to do on your site, and I designed it to automatically start on December 1st and end on December 25th at 11:59:59, (end of the 25th).
You can easily adjust this and I will explain below as well as tell you how to change the snowman, or, completely remove it.
That's it. Not hard at all since I already did the hard parts. :P
Changing the activation/deactivation dates:
Okay, there are two files that you will need to edit.
public_html/includes/custom_files/custom_head.php and Custom_footer.php.
Inside there, you will see something like:
The first line,
date = date("md");
is just pulling todays current date as a 4 digit month & day. Example, if today is April 1st, then this readout would be 0401. 04 for April and 01 for the 1st.
Now, if you follow that, then the next line should make a bit more sense.
Reading this line from left to right:
if($date >= '1201' && $date <= '1225')
I'm saying, If TODAY is GREATER THAN or EQUAL to 1201, (December 1st), AND TODAY is LESS THAN or EQUAL to 1225, (December 25th).
If that statement is TRUE, then it runs what we have between the curly brackets, { code here }
So just change the 1201, to what ever start date you want and change the 1225 to what ever date you want.
Edit/Remove the snowman:
We will start of with removing the snowman, since that is the easiest one out of both options.
Open public_html/includes/custom_files/custom_footer.php
In there, look for the line that looks like:
Change to:
If you noticed, all I added was a // in front of it. That's it.
Now, how to edit the Snowman. Well, go into the images folder and do what ever you want to the snowman image, but, try keeping the high about what i have there. The width is up to you, but I wouldn't also go much wider than double what it is now.
When you're down with the snowman image, (DON'T CHANGE THE NAME AND KEEP IT A PNG IMAGE), you will need to remember the width and the height of the snowman.
Okay, lets set the width first. Find the class .snowman, in that class, you will see "width: 237px;", change that to the width of your new snowman image. The height you see is at 75px, well, that is just the little bit that stays at the top for people to click on.
To set the height, that's further down.
Look for the selector called ".snowman.expanded", it's at the very bottom. There you will see "height: 303;", will this is where you put in the height of the snowman image you did.
That's it.
I hope you enjoy.
Any questions, feel free not to ask.
j/k, feel free to ask.
You can easily adjust this and I will explain below as well as tell you how to change the snowman, or, completely remove it.
- Download the attached file and extract the public_html folder to your desktop. DON'T upload just yet!
- Now, here is where we are going to edit either the dates or the images. Instructions below so do either one of them, or none of them, or even both, but do them here.
- Now, if you're confident in your changes, then go ahead and upload the contents of the public_html folder to the root of your site. Once you have those uploaded and the date is between the dates, (Default: December 1st - 25), then you should see it on your next page refresh. You may need to clear both your browsers cache and your sites cache.
That's it. Not hard at all since I already did the hard parts. :P
Changing the activation/deactivation dates:
Okay, there are two files that you will need to edit.
public_html/includes/custom_files/custom_head.php and Custom_footer.php.
Inside there, you will see something like:
PHP: [ Select all ]
$date = date("md");
if($date >= '1201' && $date <= '1225'){
The first line,
date = date("md");
is just pulling todays current date as a 4 digit month & day. Example, if today is April 1st, then this readout would be 0401. 04 for April and 01 for the 1st.
Now, if you follow that, then the next line should make a bit more sense.
Reading this line from left to right:
if($date >= '1201' && $date <= '1225')
I'm saying, If TODAY is GREATER THAN or EQUAL to 1201, (December 1st), AND TODAY is LESS THAN or EQUAL to 1225, (December 25th).
If that statement is TRUE, then it runs what we have between the curly brackets, { code here }
So just change the 1201, to what ever start date you want and change the 1225 to what ever date you want.
Edit/Remove the snowman:
We will start of with removing the snowman, since that is the easiest one out of both options.
Open public_html/includes/custom_files/custom_footer.php
In there, look for the line that looks like:
Code: [ Select all ]
echo '<div class="snowman"> </div>'
Change to:
Code: [ Select all ]
//echo '<div class="snowman"> </div>'
If you noticed, all I added was a // in front of it. That's it.
Now, how to edit the Snowman. Well, go into the images folder and do what ever you want to the snowman image, but, try keeping the high about what i have there. The width is up to you, but I wouldn't also go much wider than double what it is now.
When you're down with the snowman image, (DON'T CHANGE THE NAME AND KEEP IT A PNG IMAGE), you will need to remember the width and the height of the snowman.
Okay, lets set the width first. Find the class .snowman, in that class, you will see "width: 237px;", change that to the width of your new snowman image. The height you see is at 75px, well, that is just the little bit that stays at the top for people to click on.
To set the height, that's further down.
Look for the selector called ".snowman.expanded", it's at the very bottom. There you will see "height: 303;", will this is where you put in the height of the snowman image you did.
That's it.
I hope you enjoy.
Any questions, feel free not to ask.
j/k, feel free to ask.

Thank you!
No problem.
Great effect! Wish I could download it. Did the download feature go away with the forum updates?
— Trowbie wroteGreat effect! Wish I could download it.  Did the download feature go away with the forum updates?
The attachment is there, it's been downloaded 7 times. The image that you clicked on was changed to a default ugly black paperclip, which can't be seen on the black background, so I changed that to a new image. But in the first post, you should be able to download it right from the post.
Thanks, Corpse. I was able to find the link. Had to select the text to get it to show up. DUH!
— Trowbie wroteThanks, Corpse.  I was able to find the link.  Had to select the text to get it to show up.  DUH!
You should see this image now:

and that's all you would need to click on. If you don't see an image, If you're on a Windows machine, click on Alt + F5. If not, click on this link then refresh.
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Thanks m8 i like it