● [FIXED] Twitch Blocks not working

Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:15 pm
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Currently, the twitch blocks are not working. They terminated v3 of the API it was using so now everything is using the V5. I need to go through and make all the changes to it and I can not say how long it will take. I'm not liking what they have dun thus far.

I can however tell you that it will require you user the client ID number versus their channel id. I have already written a very simple script that will get you the ID of anyone that you want to display and I will have it available to use on my site when the block is done.

Sorry for any inconvenience and I will try to get this situated as soon as I can.
Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:20 pm
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Okay, this is where I am.

I have gone through and fixed all the calls and as far as I can see, it is working on my site. I will test it for another 24 hours and dig through to verify everything is working. Once I see everything is working. I will update the two public scripts and release them asap. Hopefully by Tuesday I will have the update available.

Sun Oct 13, 2019 9:16 pm
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Okay everyone. The blocks are fully upgraded and ready to be reinstalled.

I only updated the ones for Evo Xtreme 2.0.9E,
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Both fixed width and the full width are available.
The only file you need to update if you already had this installed is the

public_html/includes/blocks/block-Twitch_Streamers.php  or  block-Twitch_Streamers-Fixed.php
Depending on what version you are running.

You  will need to also edit that file with the streamers you want displayed, but it won't be like it was before where you just put their name in and thats it.
Just go to this module and put the user name and get their ID number;
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Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:26 pm
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Hi m8 my Twitch dont give us online  for Nuke-Evolution Xtreme 2.0.9e Edition.

Sat Nov 27, 2021 1:17 pm
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— pd35 wrote
Hi m8 my Twitch dont give us online  for Nuke-Evolution Xtreme 2.0.9e Edition.

Yeah, I have got to remove the twitch blocks from downloads section. Twitch did something when they had their data breach earlier this year. They ended up changing their API and I think disabled a few of the original kraken API's. Since the API that I used is being disabled in a few months anyway, Lonstar has taken what I did, and revamped it. I also got him an example of the new API and how it works, and he was able to get that working on his version, I just don't know where he is with development.

I did have it working on my site, but when the data breach happened, both his and mine went down.
Here is an image of it before:

Once he gets his current version released, then I will have it once again on my site, but currently, I am in the same boat as you of it not working.

Mon Dec 06, 2021 1:00 pm
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Thanks again for your work

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