● ts5 may be using ts3 server

Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:42 am
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For people who ask themselves what that TeamSpeak 5 thing is all about and if YaTQA will support it, here’s a clarification:

If you read the announcement carefully, it doesn’t announce a product named TeamSpeak 5 but a TeamSpeak 5 Client. It does not announce a server software, therefore the TeamSpeak 5 server will still be called TeamSpeak 3 Server.

So although I am not in any closed alpha/beta, you can expect the server updates to continue to be small enough that a YaTQA update will be released within a day or two after a server brings new features.

There are only a very few features in YaTQA that require compatiblity with the client, e.g. BBcode or DNS.
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