● New site changes going on. *W.I.P.*

Fri May 18, 2018 1:51 am
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Over the next few days/weeks, you will start seeing the posting body on this site go through some changes. Work has already started with what I called Phase One. Phase One was just about cleaning up the post options below when you go to make/edit a post. Mind you that I have not implemented this into the quick reply yet. There is a video below showing what I am doing. I have a few more small things to do here and there on this, then onto Phase Two. There are several areas I want to alter and streamline a bit better, like doing something with the "Message Icons" underneath the Subject when you go make a post. I am thinking about hiding them until you click a button, or, I will just do some sort of popup with them, or some sort of slider or sorts. I am not sure yet. I also want to change how the poll system is below and how we attach a file. I like to get that today's standard of just a drag & drop system.

Well, take a look at the video and let me know, is this something you like to see go into Xtreme permanently, or something I should just do for myself. I also like to hear your thoughts on it, good or bad.

First Video:

New Video:

*UPDATE* 5/19/2018
I got around to implementing this into the Posting Body for both the Forums and Private messages. I did find another reason for the forums to be rewritten, the language files for both the forums and the PM are in two different locations, but also used the same files  which combines them. It maks no sense that way.

You can see the changes in the new video I uploaded today just below the original video. I put in the changes in a few area and I will be changing this up some more, but already, it looks a lot cleaner than before and I have gotten comments already on it.
Sat May 19, 2018 7:45 pm
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Okay, updated the first post with a new video and some changes I implemented into this site. These changes now work for both users and admins and is still only on this one theme, (for now), which is the default theme. Some things will get changed around a bit more, but like the title of this thread, its a WIP.

Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:17 pm
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Reputation: 18
great mod, will you add it in the quick reply too?
Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:44 pm
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Yes, I just got sidetracked due to a HD failure I talk about here:
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