● Answers regarding the "This site is not secure".

Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:50 pm
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I am posting this public because I have been approached by both clan members and general pop.

 First of all, our site is not dangerous. I will explain why in this post so please read it and not skim through it, because for those of you out there with your website, this could be you too.

 As of recent, Google Chrome and other browsers are now displaying if a site is secure or not. Our site currently can not support a SSL certificate so that message shows up. If we were to get it, it could cost us an extra $50 - $60 / year so we can have a dedicated IP. I have contacted our host and they are adamant on not being able to support multiple SSL certificates on a shared IP. Once I pointed out that they are full of shit and directed them to several stories talking about SNI, they went real quiet.

There is currently no reason you’d need to have a Dedicated IP address on our Shared Hosting servers. Long ago it was only possible to install an SSL Certificate if you had a dedicated IP address for your website. A technology called SNI, which is standard on web servers today, solved this problem by allowing multiple certificates to be installed on a single shared IP address. The only issue there after was with older web browsers not offering support for SNI. In order to ensure anyone visiting a website can view it, having a Dedicated IP address would cover all bases. We’ve addressed this below along with a few other common misconceptions around using Dedicated IP addresses.

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Which is a webhost company in Australia.

Here is something from
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which is a SLI certificate site:
Apache v2.2.12 and OpenSSL v0.9.8j and later support a transport layer security (TLS) called SNI. SNI can secure multiple Apache sites using a single SSL Certificate and use multiple SSL Certificates to secure various websites on a single domain (e.g.
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site2.yourdomain.com) or across multiple domains (www.domain1.com,
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)—all from a single IP address.
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 Overall, for those that are wondering about, (So we need it?), well, the short answer is No. We are not a ecommerce site and we don't sell anything or store personal and "very sensitive' personal information, so in short, the answer is no. If we were those, then the answer would most definitely be yes. But, by not having a SSL, that message is going to show all the time, and also, starting this month, or google ranking will go down.

What is Google ranking?

 Put it short, Google pagerank is like a voting system, the more a site page is visited, and the more popular it is, the more votes it gets. That is laymans terms of course. The higher the rank, the higher they will be on the suggested sites.

What Is HTTPS?

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) are both protocols, or languages, for passing information between web servers and clients. All you need to know is that HTTPS is a secure connection, whereas HTTP is unsecure. With a standard HTTP connection, it is possible for unauthorized parties to observe the conversation between your computing device and the site.

This “conversation” is typically mundane, unless you are entering sensitive information such as your password, credit card information, or social security number on a website. An HTTPS connection adds a blanket of security over that conversation using an SSL/TSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security). This connection encrypts data to prevent eavesdropping, protects the integrity of data to prevent corruption in transfer, and provides authentication to ensure communication only with the intended website. In short: HTTP is not secure, and you should never trust your sensitive information to such a site. HTTPS is secure and is becoming the web standard.

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 In turn, just expect to see that because our webhost is squeezing every little penny they can. I think in the months to come, I will start looking at a new host for FastDomain just to seem to be getting worse. First it was a large hick in web hosting cost which we can not afford, now it's this. I have already started looking for new web host, but since I am extremely picky on things we absolutely need and my refusal to use some thrown together web host that has just a few friends that run the company, it's a tough thing to find.

If any of you have suggestions, I am all ears.

What I am looking for is as follows:
  • Must have 24/7 phone support and live chat support, email support is preferable, but not required.
  • Unlimited bandwidth / storage. I know there is no such thing as this, but, there levels are generally at a high level where you more and likely never reach.
  • Ability to have SSL without any additional cost.
  • Unlimited Email forwarders, or a high count of them.
  • CPanel is a must
  • Great uptime
  • Actual company and not a few friends hosting, meaning, not from a reseller. (can't trust that they will be around for many years).
  • Good fair pricing. Competitive with what we get now.
  • Good amount of FTP account allowed
  • Access to the PHP.ini
  • No limit to add-on Domains
  • No limit to parked Domains
  • No limit to subdomains
  • No limit to MySQL Databases

 That is a list of things I am looking for and more, pretty much you can see what we have now by clicking the link at the bottom, though the SSL line in there fails to mention we have to pay an extra $50+ / year.
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Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:04 pm
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Just a heads up, don't suggest fastdomain or bluehost.

Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:39 am
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Hi mate,

I am with
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I am on there Top Plan for Single Host Domain which gives me everything on your list (nearly)

The only thing that I don't have is the php.ini file but whenever I have needed something changing
I have just got onto there Live Chat and its been done straight away so not really an issue for me.

They don't have phone support (That I know to) but they have a normal e-mail support system and Live Chat.

If you want to take a look at it drop me a line and I will jump on TS and you can remote in and take a look.


Its not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.
Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:57 am
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— ShadzeB wrote
Hi mate,

I am with
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I am on there Top Plan for Single Host Domain which gives me everything on your list (nearly)

The only thing that I don't have is the php.ini file but whenever I have needed something changing
I have just got onto there Live Chat and its been done straight away so not really an issue for me.

They don't have phone support (That I know to) but they have a normal e-mail support system and Live Chat.

If you want to take a look at it drop me a line and I will jump on TS and you can remote in and take a look.

Thanks for the info, but having access to the php.ini and phone support is vital. I need phone support for when not around, I can get in touch with them from my cell to handle any situations that may come up. It has happened in the past where it was needed and since that situation, it was vital to have.

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