● How To Make Sub-forums horizontal

Sun Sep 24, 2017 1:40 pm
Blabbing Noob
64 Posts
Reputation: 270.4
I know you probably mentioned how to do this before but I don't have my notes anymore.

Respectfully, please tell me where I need to go to [within the Forums module] converting subforums horizontal instead of vertical.

Thank you in advance for your help again!
Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:52 am
Original Poster
Blabbing Noob
64 Posts
Reputation: 270.4
big grin   I figured it out ... phucked it up several times but I got it going horizontal.

There's to much space between each one but who cares!

Have a great day!

Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:17 pm
Nuke Dev / Coder
98 Posts

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That is changed via the .TPL and the forum index.php <-  this is where the padding is located if you want to remove the space, If you wish for me to remove the padding, Attach the modules/forums/index.php here and i will make the changes for you.

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