not sure if its something to do with the new htaccess but the game arcade is not sending private messages correctly, it sends the notification and shows there is a message in the inbox but nothings there.
any help appreciated
any help appreciated
there is no message but inbox says there is one and every new page you go to it pops up a window saying you have a message. only time I get an error is if I click the little magnifying glass next to name like in pic below

the error I get is an sql error in the pic below

it started somewhere near the time I installed that custom "your-account" we did or when we did the htaccess file not sure but was working around that time. not saying its that but only thing that has changed that I know of or maybe the mysqli when we changed it to MySQL really not sure.

the error I get is an sql error in the pic below

it started somewhere near the time I installed that custom "your-account" we did or when we did the htaccess file not sure but was working around that time. not saying its that but only thing that has changed that I know of or maybe the mysqli when we changed it to MySQL really not sure.
I fixed the search error this way. Don't know if it's the correct way or not but it quit throwing the error.
Open: public/modules/Forums/statarcade.php
find: (Mine was on line 153)
just remove the word OPTION:
Probably won't help with the PM problem though.
Open: public/modules/Forums/statarcade.php
find: (Mine was on line 153)
PHP: [ Select all ]
just remove the word OPTION:
PHP: [ Select all ]
$sql = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 ";
Probably won't help with the PM problem though.
Yes Thank you that fix that error not sure about the pm yet though until someone beats the score but it fixed the sql error removing the word option tyvm.
— worfwarrior wroteYes Thank you that fix that error not sure about the pm yet though until someone beats the score but it fixed the sql error removing the word option tyvm.
You're welcome.
private message box still says 1 message but there is no message or anything to click on I believe this may have happened after we installed the custom "your_Account" and ".htaccess"
you can close this one now as I have found the issue. for some reason in the sql the admin id had changed to 352 instead of being id 2 . changed it back to id 2 and now it works all ok.