● hxtr's intro blame Spartacus1968

Mon May 15, 2017 10:09 pm
5 Posts
Reputation: 456.6
Hello Headshot's I am hxtr aka haxter.. hickster... hicks... hx or whatever else you want to call me. I'll answer to anything. I'm a former XI member as of this morning as I turned in my tags to Chad or Rugger. I have been with XI for 11 years and we used to really have lots of fun conversations there. Over the years Since the new site in 2009 (started over from scratch) I posted some 16,000 messages so I have pretty much said it all. What fun it was. As we have grown the forums have become much more PC and it has taken a lot of the fun of it out. I will miss XI but such is life.

I had a Commodore 64 as a kid and I would jump on BBS's on my 300 baud modem in 1985 and I would have a blast talking. It was quite the fun for the 15 minutes of pleasure at a time. Later in life while in the Coast Guard 1992-93 I still had my 8088 IBM clone and I picked up a 2400 baud modem and found "The SinBin" a local BBS where my career in bullshitting really got going. Quickly I upgraded to a 486DX2-66 then joined the Lan parties playing Doom, Doom 2, heretic, hexen, Duck Nukem and the BBS Board game Legend of the Red Dragon.. WHAT FUN it was!!!!

Then in 2006 I found XI and played COD2 and the rest is history.

I am a computer tech and I work for myself. I live in Texas. I believe lots of Conspiracies and will provide evidence to prove my case so if that ever becomes a problem let me know. lachen BTW the Earth is Round and we did land on the moon. LBJ killed Kennedy 911 was a inside job and the CIA is the modern day MOB. I voted for Trump because he said he would stop Globalism and he does not like the Establishment. I might be a fool for that but what other choice did I have?

I have a dog and she is cool as all. She like to watch TV and tells me when she wants to watch it. Works out great she get her entertainment and exercise as she plays with the other animals on TV.

I will be a Grandpa in June and I am scared to death. My wonderful daughter found her soul mate and my grandson will be coming soon. Now that I have proven to myself Chemtrails this past year are real I am really scared. But oh well.. what can I do about it?

My favorite thing to do is laugh. It cures everything and I can tend to be an idiot.

You can blame Sparty for me being here. ;)

I must say I really like the look of this website. I love the green.. and the site if very clean. Nice job goes to the web admin. I believe Sparty said Corpse programmed it all. Well done.

Tue May 16, 2017 6:45 pm
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Thanks on the comments about the site, and welcome. Commador 64, jeeze. My first was a Tandy 1000hx. But I was just a young kid when we got that. Congrats on being a grandfather to be.

Tue May 16, 2017 9:36 pm
Original Poster
5 Posts
Reputation: 456.6
Thank you and you are welcome. lachen

Thu May 18, 2017 12:17 pm
Blabbing Noob
83 Posts
Reputation: 408.7
HXTR must be cast out immediately as everyone knows,  anyone that follows the path of the Commodore 64 is a HERATIC  evil !!! Renounce your evil ways and repent
embrace the only true original THE MIGHTY>>>  right Sinclaire ZX Spectrum !!

Sinclair ZX Spectrum vs Commodore 64

A gaming computer with 48K memory. The memory size of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum way back in 1982. You actually had a choice of the ZX with 16 kB of RAM for £125 or with 48 kB for £175 (or $100 at the time). Computer fanatics went for the 48K, then the first choice for writing game code.

The ZX Spectrum 8-bit PC was based on the Zilog Z80A CPU and ran at 3.5 MHz. Designed by Clive Sinclair, with hardware developed by Richard Altwasser, the ZX set sales records in the UK. It was a very popular gaming platform.

There are still games available for the ZX Spectrum. In fact, the ZX software library consists of more than 24 000 titles, according to Wikipedia. Popular games include Ant Attack, Rebelstar, All or Nothing, Stop the Express, R-Type, The Sentinel and Rainbow Islands.

The Sinclair’s competitor on the other side of the pond came in the form of the 8-bit Commodore 64, which, as its name suggests, had a 64 kilobyte memory. Also launched in 1982, it cost an eye-watering $595. The Commodore 64 was driven by either a 0.985 MHz (PAL version) or 1.023 MHz (NTSC version) CPU.



Fri May 19, 2017 9:13 am
Original Poster
5 Posts
Reputation: 456.6
— 0079 wrote
HXTR must be cast out immediately as everyone knows,  anyone that follows the path of the Commodore 64 is a HERATIC  evil !!! Renounce your evil ways and repent
embrace the only true original THE MIGHTY>>>  right Sinclaire ZX Spectrum !!

Sinclair ZX Spectrum vs Commodore 64

The ZX Spectrum 8-bit PC was based on the Zilog Z80A CPU and ran at 3.5 MHz. Designed by Clive SinclairThe Sentinel and Rainbow Islands.



After watching this.. and reading the Wiki the C64 could not hold a candle to the Sinclair. Very nice. A friend in the NL had that or something else made by Microsoft I think. Can't remember the name. Never heard of both.

Did you have a modem and did you log into BBS's? I think that was what made my Commodore so much fun. The days of 300 baud and no error correction. :)

BTW hello back.
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Mon May 22, 2017 9:53 pm
Clan Leader
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Reputation: 1025.8
Yup, I had a Commodore 64, I guess it's off with my head now!!!!
Guy with axe  Guy with axe  Guy with axe

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