● Need your help Evo community...

Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:28 am
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Is there anything particular that you like to see implemented into the CMS, or is there anything you wish was a bit easier to use or control?

Also like to know if there is anything with the honeypot you like to see added. Right now, a few changes are going to be,
  • Questions check will be able to have more than 1 questions and answer that will alternate with each registration.
  • Looking at adding in a feature to track which check is the most effective.

Now I am just looking for more suggestions on what else could be done.

Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:34 pm
Blabbing Noob
83 Posts
Reputation: 408.7
I was thinking in the admin area..maybe you could have a help button when you mouse over the blocks/modules   you already have the text box.Is it possible to add a link in the text box to a tut for the element(if there is a tut). Same as in Vegas Pro if you activate the help buttons then you get all the help notes etc.  would help noobs like me lol

Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:25 pm
37 Posts
Reputation: 256.6
Liked the idea of the re-worked user registration you was working on.
Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:32 pm
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— 0079 wrote
I was thinking in the admin area..maybe you could have a help button when you mouse over the blocks/modules   you already have the text box.Is it possible to add a link in the text box to a tut for the element(if there is a tut). Same as in Vegas Pro if you activate the help buttons then you get all the help notes etc.  would help noobs like me lol

I will bring this up to Lonestar. I know he wanted to do a new admin area UI I believe. If that's the case, then something may be able to be done. Though, I do see me probably needing to do a bunch of new tutorials and possibly redoing some.

— Sp0rAdiC wrote
Liked the idea of the re-worked user registration you was working on.

Lonestar has taken that over just after I got the proof of concept done and working on my test site.

Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:37 am
Nuke Dev / Coder
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I have a new Admin Area Menu already done, Just have not had the time to get it packaged up here is a preview

This is without the additional information been shown

Here it is with additional information shown

I have most of the new Your Account module sorted, With moving home i just have not had the time to get it finished.

I am mostly done with decorating, so over the next couple of weeks, i will be finishing the Clan Manager/Download Repository updates and i will finish off the "Your Account" module

Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:35 pm
30 Posts
Reputation: 87.6
If you make it to working on the Forums is there a way to implement a like or dislike system like you have into the cms ?
Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:06 am
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There would need to be a free script that we can find or create one from the ground up. The one on my site is a paid script I bought a few years ago and implemented on my site.

Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:12 pm
30 Posts
Reputation: 87.6
Ok gotch ya.  :wink:

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