● How to install a Evo site and configure it.

Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:06 pm
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Setting up a Evo site.

This has been asked a lot and I figured I will just make a post with all the links to the scripts and tutorials to help you get started.

First tutorial here is on how to install the evo site. This is just a general install, but in the video i do it in a sub domain, where I was just setting up a test site, but its the same thing, just put it into the public_html folder instead of creating a sub folder.
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Next is to install the Nuke Honeypot for added protection from bots. Here is a video tuitorial on how to install it,
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And this is where you download it from:
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Once you do that, then you want to set up the registration compleatly. I do go over it a bit in the first video, but this one I go over it a bit more.
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Next is fully setting up Sentinel. I don have a video for that yet so I will try doing one soon.

Now, it's a matter of making your site the way you like it. Common things that was asked was how to have a menu like mine and what is the easiest way to set up forum permissions, so I will show you.

Menu like mine:
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Forum Permissions:
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If there is anything you guys like me to cover or do, feel free to ask.
Hope this helps...

Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:58 pm
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