I am currently putting together a "newer" twitch account so I can start broadcasting again. I am looking to set up a set schedule on doing it. I am looking at broadcasting both H1Z1 and WarThunder. If you see me in TS3 with a *BC* before my name, that means I am broadcasting. If you like to join in with me on the game I am in, feel free to hop in.
Right now I am just working on ironing out a few bugs with OBS. I made the flaw of giving my nephew my old PC which I could have used for broadcasting, so right now I am running off all one machine until I can save up to get a second PC just for streaming, along with a few other do-da's that I need.
Once I get everything ironed out, then I will have a set schedule I will be going by.
My new channel is
Feel free to stop by on the stream if your not doing anything. Follow if you like it.
Right now I am just working on ironing out a few bugs with OBS. I made the flaw of giving my nephew my old PC which I could have used for broadcasting, so right now I am running off all one machine until I can save up to get a second PC just for streaming, along with a few other do-da's that I need.
Once I get everything ironed out, then I will have a set schedule I will be going by.
My new channel is
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Feel free to stop by on the stream if your not doing anything. Follow if you like it.
Okay, I have officially posted my schedule for streaming.
New Schedule:
This new schedule is starting on November 29th.
I like to note what I mean by " Random " is on those days, I may or may not stream, but if I do, it will be random games. If people are watching the stream, we will leave it to the people to take a vote and decide which game I play.
be sure to follow me at
If you see me on TS3, feel free to come into the channel and talk/play. See you then.
New Schedule:
- Sunday - Off / Random
- Monday - Off / Random
- Tuesday - Off / Random
- Wednesday - 6PM EST - H1Z1 BR
- Thursday - 6PM EST - H1Z1 BR
- Friday - 6PM EST - H1Z1 BR
- Saturday - 6PM EST - H1Z1 BR
This new schedule is starting on November 29th.
I like to note what I mean by " Random " is on those days, I may or may not stream, but if I do, it will be random games. If people are watching the stream, we will leave it to the people to take a vote and decide which game I play.
be sure to follow me at
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If you see me on TS3, feel free to come into the channel and talk/play. See you then.