● How do I create a Test site

Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:44 pm
113 Posts
Reputation: 335.3
Hi, I want to know how can I create a test site on my host Fastdomain? Or direct me in the right direction to do this?

Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:25 pm
Original Poster
113 Posts
Reputation: 335.3
Thanks Corpse

Fri Feb 06, 2015 12:32 am
Original Poster
113 Posts
Reputation: 335.3
Thanks again Corpse for the info, and I have my testsite up and running too. So now I can use it to do any changes and addon and etc...

Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:52 am
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No problem. That is the main purpose of what the test site is, (if you have the web space).

For those that are wondering. I answered his question over at clanthemes. But here is what I posted.
Creating a test site is easy. There are a few steps you will need to do.

  1. Open up your FTP to the root of your site, the in your FTP program, right click over any file, (not folder), and select "Create directory" and name it "testsite" or whatever you want.
  2. Open up that new folder you created and treat that is your main public_html folder, meaning, upload the CMS you want to set up as your test site into that folder.
  3. While that is uploading, create a new database and a new DB user from your CPanel, like you have when you set up the main site, and connect that DB user to the new DB.
  4. Once the CMS is put into the "testsite" folder, go and install it like you did with your main site,
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  5. Once installed, you will need to go in and configure the site, and if you're using Evo, you will need to make sure you get the cookies set right,
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    You will need to look at the example for your site being in a sub folder, not a sub domain.

That is pretty much it. Its just as hard as installing the CMS for the first time. If needed, I can create a video tutorial on how to do it.

here is a link to that thread:
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I also made a video tutorial here:
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Hope this helps anyone else that may be wondering about this.

Tue May 17, 2016 3:18 pm
38 Posts
Reputation: 65.8
Never mind, i delet all the files and upload again, then works, thank you!
Tue May 17, 2016 9:42 pm
38 Posts
Reputation: 65.8
Lol guys, i was without attetion and type the comment on top in the wrong post, sorry.

Wed May 18, 2016 1:09 pm
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