[HSX] News
General Area

Nuke Blocks / Modules Support
Have a question about a phpnuke module or bloc, something I made, or something you see on this site, ask here.

In here, talk about anything you have in the works. Show off a little bit and see what others think about what you have going. Who knows, it may just improve what you're working on.

PC & Codeing Talk
Anything and everything related to PC's or coding tips and general talks go here

![[WIP] Update Section [WIP] Update Section](modules/Forums/images/topics/scripts.png)
[WIP] Update Section
In here, any project that is being developed will now have all updates go in here will have their own post instead of being just post in the main thread.

Recipe Corner
I know most of us like to eat, but we also like to cook. In here, we can trade recipe's that we likie to make and eat. Me being a ex head cook, I always like learning new recopies and trying them out.
Please, only post constructive post in here, means no joking around in this section...
Please, only post constructive post in here, means no joking around in this section...

Games we play
Our users have posted a total of 4,692 articles
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The newest registered user is Merlin5150
We have 767 registered users
The newest registered user is Merlin5150
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Based on users active over the past 5 minutes
Most users ever online was 258 on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:16 pm
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Users with a birthday within the next 7 days: fireurza (39)