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Evolution Xtreme 2.0.9E / FBlocks & ModulesDigital Clock, 12h & 24h format v1.1
Author : coRpSE Author Email :
Size : 32 KB Date Added : Dec 13th, 2019 7:38 pm
Views : 681 Downloads : 88
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Version : 1.1 Ratings : 0 / 10 
Description Fixes
This was a clock that I put together after a request came in on my forums here:

I originally just did a 24 hour version and ran it on my site for a while. Then, about a month back, a friend and I were talking about it and he pointed out a few things that bugged him, (which he was surprised that it didn't bug me), but in the end, I fixed those few things. While I was at it fixing it, I added in a few new features, then made a 12 hour version. I finally got around to packing it up for others to use on their sites and enjoy. Coloring and some other stuff, like the size of things may have to be adjusted and that is all done within the css file.

Note, there are 2 versions before downloading.
12h version shows am/pm.
24h does NOT show am/pm.
Download Digital Clock, 12h & 24h format
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