● time

Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:58 pm
16 Posts
Reputation: 420
i have download your time mod only it not more working can you help me out ?

Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:17 pm
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Taking a break from work!
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What clock mod?
The one from this post?
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If so, all you need to do is upload those files keeping the correct folder structure in that and it should work.
Unfortunately, I cannot see your site. It seems your site has me banned. hrm

Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:05 pm
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Reputation: 420
https dan your cloak not working found it out  . NukeSentinel is banning lot and i dont no way  hrm

Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:07 am
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Taking a break from work!
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[quote="pd35";p="6539"]https dan your cloak not working found it out  . NukeSentinel is banning lot and i dont no way  hrm[/quote]

If your site is on https instead of http, then you need to do one small edit.
Open public_html/blocks/block-Digital_Clock.php

Find (around line 7):

PHP:  [ Select all ]

var url = \'http://\' + window.location.host + \'/includes/blocks/block-clock.php\'; 

In line find:

Code: [ Select all ]


Change that to

Code: [ Select all ]


save and upload.
That's it.

Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:28 pm
1 Posts
Reputation: 0.5
Hi Corpse!

Sorry for hijacking the thread, i´ve installed this clock in my site, but i can´t get it working...

The above edit didn´t work, as my site does not have http nor https in the address, how should i edit then?

Check it out at owasquad.x10.mx

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