Change the color of the vote bar graph.
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#1: No icon Change the color of the vote bar graph. Author: [HSX]coRpSELocation: Back of your mind!!! PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:29 am
Recently I updated the installation instructions to the Multivote forum mod, and it was recently asked how to change the colors of the bar graph when you set up a vote. Well, Instead of posting in that topic for it to get buried, I figured I would post here for ease of finding for future use.
At this moment in time, this is what you need to do, just note, this is general instructions and your theme may have something custom instead.

Do a search for the word progress, You may find something that looks like:

Code: [ Select all ]


If you don't find that, no worries, then just go to the bottom of the page and do the following


Code: [ Select all ]

/* For Chrome or Safari */
progress::-webkit-progress-bar { background-color: #444; }
progress::-webkit-progress-value { background-color: #FFA200 !important; }

/* For Firefox */
progress { background-color: #444; }
progress::-moz-progress-bar { background-color: #ffa200 !important; }

Note, change the colors to match what you want. This should change it on all or most modern browsers. Not sure about mobile.
Also, if you didn't have that line or anything similar to it, you can add it in right before you paste in the code for the colors. That code will allow you to change the height and what not.

This is in concurrent with the post here:
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and a response to the post after it about the colors.

#2: No icon Re: Change the color of the vote bar graph. Author: zardosLocation: North west of England PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:20 pm
Thank you very much m8, works a treat.

HeadShot Extreme -> PC & Codeing Talk

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