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Evolution Xtreme 2.0.10Modules / BlocksEvo Shout v1.0.0
Author : coRpSE Author Email :
Size : 35 KB Date Added : Dec 17th, 2024 1:17 am
Views : 21 Downloads : 8
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Version : 1.0.0 Ratings : 0 / 10 
Hello everyone. I know this has been a topic for a while, which is, is there a new shout box in the works. Well, I can say that I do have one, and it's pretty much done. I kept it very basic and there is now just cleaning up, and writing up a tutorial for theme specific changes, (not needed), but does allow a bit more control, especially on a per theme level. So, what are the features? Well, here is a list.

  • Responsive: I designed this using GRID, so it should adjust to if you're on mobile or not, but I also made it so depending on if you use it as a side block or a center, it should adjust. Just note, its better as a center block.

  • Username Color -  This allows you to choose whether the system will use the username color or not.

  • User Avatar - This allows you to allow for the avatar to show on the left next to their name.

  • Allow Clickable URLs - Just as the name says, if they put a http/https or a www. and this is set to no, then it will block those. It will still let them do like since it wont be a clickable URL.

  • Shout Display Limit - This is how many shouts are allowed to be shown in the block. Default is 50.

  • Anti Spam - This is a shout delay that allows someone to post, then have to wait X time before they can post again. Default is 5 second. 


If you are interested in using this system on your site, you will need the following done to your site:

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